HELP! Using scotchgard in same room as tank


New member
Hey guys, I need HELP really quick!
I wanted to see if anyone has heard any horror stories about using scotchgard in the same room as an aquarium.

I just got a new sectional sofa because the cats vomited over the last one so much that we had to get rid of it, so we're going to protect the new one with scotchgard. (You're supposed to keep your windows open for 24 hours after spraying it, because it's apparently pretty intense.)
FYI, it is NOT an aerosol, it comes out of a spray bottle that I'll be spraying directly onto the couch.

Does anyone know if it's going to destroy my tank by getting into it through the air? I'm thinking of covering the tank with towels, but I'm concerned it'll deplete oxygen too much.

I would simply ensure adequate ventilation in the room and not worry about it..
AKA throw a box fan in the window or whatever
Thanks dude!Hey, thanks for the help guys!

I ended up going hardcore protective, turning off my AC and fan, duct taping some blankets over the front and sides of the tank, did the spraying of all removable cushions outside, turned off the pump so that there wouldn't be as much surface disruption to transfer anything in the air into the water, (kept my MP40 running though,) opened all my doors and windows and then lined them up into two parallel rows vertically in front of the back screen door and put a large fan at the front, thus pushing the air through them. (I'll reverse sides later to cover both of them.)

Overall, the smell isn't as bad as I thought it might be and I think all of the precautions I took should give my reef some pretty good protection. (Oh, and I changed the carbon in my media filter so that when I turn the pump back on it'll start filtering hardcore.)

Thanks again!!!!!