help with 72" high reef


New member
I am interested in doing a 72"x72"x72" aquarium, is this feasible?
I have bulleted all of my points below:

- Aside from the maintainence issue in terms of reaching in the tank, is there any other problem?

- It would be in a basement if i go through with the plan so the weight should not be a concern.

- I am going to use 1000W Mh on it with the SPS up top and softies and low light corals down in the bottom.

- I would really like a show fish for this tank, something that is unique like a shark; but i also know that sharks eat anything and are hard to keep. Any other species that is large, moderate in terms of care, and somewhat peaceful and not eat everything.

- I want the tank to be situated at around ground level, will this affect the overflow if i want the sump and equipment to be situated on a stand? i.e. the sump will be placed about 30" from the ground but the tank will be only about 12" or so off the floor - the aim is to have a tank that looks like you are in a real reef scuba diving.

Overall, other than cost, what would be some thing i should be warned about? i know there are some people here that have these sort of large tanks, so please guide me. Btw, the tank volume is approx. 1600G.
The acrylic would probably need to be 3-4" thick alone...very, very, very expensive.
^^ what he said haha.....welll what your probably gunna have to do is get a steal stand and haev to lift it 3 ft off the ground to be able to have any sort of sump/refugium then the canopy you build can just touch the ceiling! ahah it looks look like a nice center peice ! ! ! then a huge center overflow box where it would fal into the sump adn refugium below....where alll of yor life rock would that the overflow is not acctually its like an island of live rock.....this will give a nice amount of free swimming space for your fish as well as a great spot for corals!!! aas for fish a HUGE sohal or powder blue or a huge clown tang would be an amazing thing to see...or a big achillies. or a cross hatch trigger! i think it would be really cool if you were able to keep a school of like 3 moorish idol too since htye do better in groups! ! ! those are just my thoughts for it.
I would add more length and reduce the height for more swim room and easier maintenance, better penetration of light, you can keep large predators just keep them well fed! :)

Also, the depth (pressure) determines thickness of panes so you would save considerably by reducing height
I would also stay away from the sharks.

The overflow can be at the top on one of the ends and the sump and all can be off to the side. This will work out well, my new tank is setup the same way.

The acrylic is gonna cost alot but the tank would be nice.
Another "Don't do it" post. Aside from maintenance issues and cost, I'd consider a more moderate size tank to increase your depth of experience in the hobby.

Larger tanks are certainly more stable, but come with an entirely new set of problems. 10% water changes are enormous. To have enough live rock for aquascaping would be extremely expensive. Humidity becomes a giant concern (google Mr. 4000 and see how his tank nearly ruined his house before he had to take it down).

Seriously consider a 100-200 gallon tank first, see how it goes and work towards your monster if it still tickles your fancy.
well, i saw a lot fo downfalls with this tank - especially the glass thickness. I Still want to go with a tank that is 72 by 72 by 72, but if i made it into a TERRARIUM would i need the glass thickness? can i just go with 1/2"or maybe 3/4"? I am asking here because i want ot know if the humidity inside the tank will do anything - considering that aquariums are 100% water my guess is no but just making sure.

Also, if anyone here knows about terrariums, what show critter can i keep in here?
You might need to find a different bulletin board for terrariums:D We are REEF Central;) Good luck with your idea.