Help with algae ID


New member
yesterday I was at a lfs that is closing shop. They had a rock about the size of a softball in the back of one of the tanks. The lighting was pretty dark in the corner, but that may have been because they where tearing things apart. It was covered in purple coraline and some kind of algae. The young man in the store did not know what it was. He just said it was a macro algae.

It is beautiful. He let me have it for 10.00. I don't have a digital camara so I will try to discribe it. It has tufts of dark blue green grass ( for a better word) growing in small clumps from the rock. I say 85% of the rock is covered in it. The strands looked like they have sigments going all the way from top to bottom. They very in lengh from about 3 to 5 inches tall and very thin.

I have been looking all over the threads and the internet for anything that looks like this but so far nothing even close.

Can you all help ID it for me. Maybe that way I can keep it alive

Thanks for your time