Help with an anemone question/


New member
Ok, so let me start by saying that I know my tank is a bit young for an anemone. That is not the advice I am looking for. now that we have that out of the way....

I found a rainbow BTA a few weeks ago at a LFS and could not resist. We just don't see them often here (at least I don't). Needless to say, I purchased it and put it in my 3 month old system where it was flourishing.

Fast forward 2 weeks... I am not happy with the spread of my chinese black box, so I decided to upgrade to a pair of AI Prime HD. These went on the tank Saturday evening. Sunday I did my water change and immediately after the anemone became VERY unhappy. It moved behind the rocks, closed up, and just looked sad.

My first thought was that I messed something up with the water change, but couldn't figure out what. I tested all tank parameters before the water change and made sure that my new water matched perfectly.

Then this morning, I thought I would try Astra 120 LED and spotlight the anemone just so I could get a better look at it. This is where things got interesting. I was able to see that the mouth is nice and tight, the color still looks good, and the foot is securely attached to the rock.

The thing that really caught my attention is that it almost immediately started to look better. It started to inflate it's tentacles, it turned toward the light and opened fully. Then I turned the light off and within seconds, it had retracted back and looked VERY sad again. I mean within SECONDS!

Now I am thinking that this was all due to the new lights. I have them Programmed with the BRS AB+ on acclimation mode @50%. Is it not getting enough light, why is it just hiding where it gets almost no light? Any other thoughts?

Tank Params:

40b w/20L sump
Bubble Magus NAC 3.5 Skimmer
Temp = 78.5
ph = 8.3
SG = 1.026
Amm = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = <5
Phosphate = undetectable
Calc = 480
Alk = 8
Mag = 1300

I mix my own saltwater using RO/DI water @ 0ppm TDS and Reef Crystals salt. I have used RC for years and never had a problem.

Tank inhabitants:

Pair of Black Occellaris (ignore the BTA)
Diamond Watchman
Lawnmower Blenny
Royal Gramma
3 x Pajama Cardinals
Melanurus Wrasse
Neon Dottyback (in the sump)
Hammer Coral
Gold tip Torch
Orange mushrooms
Several acans
Radioactive Eagle Eye zoas ~50 polyps

All corals and fish are doing great only the anemone is showing any issues. Your help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Anemones need slow acclimation to light changes which should be gradual over the course of a week or so. Sudden light changes will certainly affect it.
Anemones need slow acclimation to light changes which should be gradual over the course of a week or so. Sudden light changes will certainly affect it.

Thanks for the quick reply! What would you suggest I do? It seems to like the light from the Astra 120, but the light looks terrible and is only a temporary fix. I don't want to turn the Prime's up too fast in fear of bleaching corals, this is why I have acclimation mode on, but want the anemone to be ok as well.
The difference in intensity between CCB and AI is significant, in some cases, from 150-200 higher peak par, in essence, a much stronger light. All photosynthetics will notice the change.
You should be able to go lower, say 20% for week one, then 5% increase weekly.
Your nem will also help you, he has already moved to help himself.

If you already at the lowest intensity, just leave him be, he move to his comfort level.

Since your tank is young and you already have the nem, keep your water stable and consistent in terms of NSW parameters, ok to feed him, twice per month is plenty, he gets 75% of his "food" from light.

Some do a tiny piece of raw shrimp, I just squirt a bit of frozen brine or Mysis shrimp.
Manual feedings increase growth, for me, I don't want mine to get much larger.

Your corals list does not contain any high light corals, so you may never need to go beyond 50% intensity for your new lights, and even this may be two high. Even for the weaker CCB, I only run 70% intensity.
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The difference in intensity between CCB and AI is significant, in some cases, from 150-200 higher peak par, in essence, a much stronger light. All photosynthetics will notice the change.
You should be able to go lower, say 20% for week one, then 5% increase weekly.
Your nem will also help you, he has already moved to help himself.

If you already at the lowest intensity, just leave him be, he move to his comfort level.

Since your tank is young and you already have the nem, keep your water stable and consistent in terms of NSW parameters, ok to feed him, twice per month is plenty, he gets 75% of his "food" from light.

Some do a tiny piece of raw shrimp, I just squirt a bit of frozen brine or Mysis shrimp.
Manual feedings increase growth, for me, I don't want mine to get much larger.

Your corals list does not contain any high light corals, so you may never need to go beyond 50% intensity for your new lights, and even this may be two high. Even for the weaker CCB, I only run 70% intensity.

According to AI, the Prime can produce up to 100 PAR on the sand @24". I had the CBB about 16" above the water with blues @ 100% and Whites @ 25% with half of the lenses removed. The Prime's are about 13" above the water and the nem is about 7" below the surface.

I have a hard time believing that it is getting too much light because it does SOOOO much better when I have the Prime AND Astra 120 on it. If the Prime was too much by itself, wouldn't it move to a different spot when the Astra is shining on it? Instead, it opens up, inflates, and just looks great.

I have attached some pics, first is under just the Prime. The second is with the Prime AND Astra.


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Sorry read your posts incorrectly.
Nems shade themselves when light availability increases, maybe it just got used to the other have upgraded your lighting...Nems loves light and should find a place where the flow and light are to his liking..