Help with an ID


New member
Can anyone help me with it ID on this guy?

I got him in a trade last weekend and the guy that owned him before me wasn't sure was he was. I think he's a Crocea but i'm not positive. Thanks for any help.:)

Thanks guys, this camera sucks so that's thebest pic i could get. Anyway the clam seems happy and content in his new home.:) He'll have some company soon.:cool:

nice placement of the clam, too. I've seen so many people with croceas hidden by lr. Croceas need light!!!!, which yours seems to be getting. Awesome pattern. what color are the splotches when viewed from above? nice staghorn frag, too. I've got a couple that refuse to grow upward, but want to go outward. Not much room in a 40br for lateral expansion. Wish my corals knew that.
The splotches are a pink/white color from above and down the center and spots around the edges he's a neon aqua blue. Way nicer to view from above, just really hard to take pics of.:( That staghorn is one i got in the same trade, it was brown in the tank i got it form now it's blue on the tip and green spirls down with the brown. By the way all these guys are in a 40gal cube.

a 40 cube?!! cool. very nice. I was just making my rounds of the lfs's and saw an oceanic 30 cube; too much money. They wouldn't sell it without the dork fluorescent striplight. too deep for a clam tank, anyway--20" on a side. I'm thinking about tying in a small nano tank to my system for clams and sps, b/c I'm going to have an extra halide soon. I'm upgrading my 40br from 175 to 400watt, for more even light distribution. I just replaced my bulb, so I'm not too keen on selling it cheap. oh well. Maybe one of my old 20l sump tanks will get some good use. we'll see. NICE clam. pink splotches are very cool. I've seen lots of really spectacular croceas lately. I'm just very leery, as I've relocated my own clams to a friend's tank. I posted the 'unexplainable predator' thread.

happy clamming.