Help with an Orange Ball Anemome


New member
So after a week of wondering if I had hydroids or some other alien creature, I found out what I had.......Orange ball anemones. I have the Caribbean species. Pseudocorynactis caribbeorum---This one apparently only comes out at night. I have a colony of about 8-10 thats growing on a single piece of LR. My question is what can I feed it to help it grow and stay healthy. It's actually a corallimorph, not a true anemone.....not sure if this make a big difference. It's such an amazing site at night and want it to continue.......right now its only about 1/2 x 1/2 inch large...
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I have kept this species for years, the only negative is they are light sensative so I can only look at them under moollight conditions. I feed mine frozen shrimp and fish, about 2 times a week and they seem to grow and reproduce well, in fact I just gave away abou 20 small ones because they were spreading to quickly and I now have 3 big ones.
Here is photo of my original one collected in grouper hole in West Palm Beach.
Philter, Thanks a bunch!! I tried some mysis shrimp applied with a pipet and it ate a was awesome! I can't wait for mine to look like yours....
feeding ball tip

feeding ball tip

Mine will take plankton. I was feeding my fish some and I had a big one I target feed to get it big enought to take a pic and about a min later I saw it had itself extended over a entire piece. It was pretty cool. Now I target feed them a mixture of what ever I'm feeding the coral and the fish. There getting pretty big now.
Mine will take plankton. I was feeding my fish some and I had a big one I target feed to get it big enought to take a pic and about a min later I saw it had itself extended over a entire piece. It was pretty cool. Now I target feed them a mixture of what ever I'm feeding the coral and the fish. There getting pretty big now.

I started using plankton too. I have about 5-6 of them that I'm target feeding. In addition I've noticed that I have about 10-15 little ones in close proximity.......I love it!! I spoke to the local pet shop and they said they would be interested in purchasing some when they got larger...... I figured what the hell.......I'm curious how much these go for......I'd give them away to local reefers but I definitely have to charge a pet
That's funny my local guy told me the same thing. I was trying to grow one out to send him a pic and when he saw it. He told me to keep growing them out and he'll buy them. It works for me cause my fish hate the Plankton.
I had some in my tank, but not as beautiful. Their tips were white ball. At one point I never directly fed them, but had a high nitrate level and they thrive and muiltplied like crazy. But they didn't get big. The biggest was about .5" across. Most avg 1/4" across. At one point I even tried to kill them with Apitisia-X.

Now that my nitrate is lower and/or added a six line wrasse and copperband butterfly, I don't have any more.