Help with lugols


New member
I want to dip a zoanthid that is not doing to hot. Is their a fish grade? Or do I go to walgreens and get it? And what brand is the best?
Lugols is the fish grade brand, not sure if it's anything but iodine but that's what ur looking for... There are other dips also, ur LFS should carry at least one
Lugols will kill some pests and is also good for fragging as it will kill bacteria which can infect an open wound (like in 1st aid)
A good reef store should have lugols. I went to several pharmacies to try to buy it a while ago and apparently don't sell it anymore. Probably because it is used in methamphetamine manufacture. Looks like meth heads will have to frequent fish stores now. In case you haven't seen Muchoreef's thread, it's very informative for dipping zoos:
A good reef store should have lugols. I went to several pharmacies to try to buy it a while ago and apparently don't sell it anymore. Probably because it is used in methamphetamine manufacture. Looks like meth heads will have to frequent fish stores now. In case you haven't seen Muchoreef's thread, it's very informative for dipping zoos: