HELP with Panworld Priming/Plumbing


New member
Ok guys,
I went with everyones suggestion here to go with a closed loop system and just use a smaller dry pump for the return.

We'll, Last night was a nightmare trying to get it to work (the return that is)

The system looks something like this

L_________ __I <----returns

I I <-----panworld 50pxx
I <----------- Acrylic hose
with holes drilled in it and a
filter sock placed over
I_____________________I <------ Sump

OMG this took forever to prime. I consider myself very lucky if I didnt significantly damage the pump by running it partly dry for the long periods of time that I was fight with it.

I ended up priming it by shoving a tube connected to a strong power head up into the intake. There has got to be a better fricken way.

Please help... this set up is just temporary to get the system going but if it looses siphon again i want a better way to do this.



p.s. sry i couldnt get the diagram to line up properly because of the formatting but you guys get the idea.
place the pump below the water level of the sump, clean off the return close one side and suck the air out of the other just watch that when it gets going it may drown you.
ok thanks. So is this really the only way though? I was thinking maybe i could use like a stand pipe like melevs closed loop setup but i couldnt figure out how to do it. I just think there has to be some other way to do this without having a drilled sump.

Definately keep the pump below the water level in the sump since Pan Worlds are not self priming (stating the obvious)...

I assume thats the problem you were having?
even if its below the water level i dont see how i would really be able to prime it? I'd still have to get it going wouldnt i? I mean there would still be air in the intake since the intake has to go up and over the tank.

priming pump

priming pump

I think I get what your tring to do.



I used Ts on these two CLs with threaded adaptors and plugs. Makes it easy to prime the suction side.

The T to the left goes to a return manifold, I put a plug on it but it turns out to be usless. The two to the right are the suction lines for my CLs. Once primed you'll only need to open these when you pull the pump and need to prime again.
Re: priming pump

Re: priming pump

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6519826#post6519826 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by whitesquall
I think I get what your tring to do.



That's how my closed loop is set up. I just primed the pump by blowing water into the intake with a powerhead until the loop was filled with water, and then I turned on the pump. No need to ever prime it again as long as the inlet and outlet stay submerged.