Help with Panworld/sump plumbing


New member
Ok guys,
Been asking a million questions about this lately so here is question 1,000,001.

I have a panworld 50pxx and i just bought a 45 gallon glass sump. This is going to be used on my 125 gallon system.

I need to know...

What size hole should i drill for the sump return and about where should i drill it.

What size plumbing should i use. I've gotten various opinions but the general consensus seems to be 1.5 drains and 1 inch returns.

BTW this will not be serving as my only flow... i plan on adding a closed loop later on.

I may post another thread asking for pictures and examples of sumps/plumbing.

Thanks for the help guys,

If you dont want, you can just create a siphon from the sump so you would not have to drill it. I am also going to be setting up the same configuration in a few weeks. I even got the same pump. Let me know how it all works.
Yeah... thast how its set up now. Unfortunately i dont want to go through the pain in the butt of doing it again every time the power goes out. My panworld was running dry for at least 6 hours before my parents caught it. I think it had enough water in it to keep it from burning itself up but who knows. Siphon is not an option for me but thanks for the input... i reccomend drilling if you can.
