Help with some corals bleaching


New member
Okay so I changed my lighting system from (8)T5 about 3 to 4 months to (6)T5 and 3 Kessil 150. Burned out all my bridsnest. I than switched to kessil 360we so I can control the intesity lost some . I have now had the kessils for 2 months and I am now at peak 50% color and 40% Intensity.

T5 light schedule is
(2) T5 2 Blue+ 11 A.M. To 9 P.M.
(4) T5 2 super Blue, 1 Lagoon Blue, and Purple+ 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Kessil lights schedule

Color and Intensity

9:35 0% and 10%
11:35 30% and 20%
1:35 50% and 40%
8:00 30% and 20%
10:30 10% and 10%
11:59 0% and 0%

14 hour light cycle.

the kessils are 9 inches above water and some of my corals are only 5 inches below the water.

That all said I am still having some coral tips bleaching and some are peeling off.

Alk is 8
Calcium is 500
phosphate and nitrates are reading 0%
Salinity is .026
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Here are the pics of the corals that are not doing good.




And here are picture's of all my corals




I just lost one of my lps and have a leather that seems to be melting after changing to the AI prime and taking some advice on intensity. It sucks so I lowered intensity and my remaining corals seem to be adjusting fine. Re-acclimate and hopefully they will recover.
Have you changed your salt ...just wondering....I went from always using io reef crystals and always having the best results to trying esv seawater system one time and my whole tank is bleaching out....I have done 60 gallons of io reef crystals water changes and it's coming back .....not saying it's a bad salt but maybe you have changed something in the chemistry instead of just lighting
I view zero nitrates and phosphates as a problem.

Is it just bleaching or is there tissue coming off? I recently lost a couple pieces to an alk swing. Tips would show tissue damage and after a couple weeks they died. Over a few days my alk went from 150 to 180 to 160.
Curious about your levels, you run your Ca at 500 and Alk at 8 consistently? What is your Mg level at and PH? In general if I allow my Ca to get in excess of 440 I start having issues with Alk dropping to quickly which ends up screwing my Mg and PH up. The pics don't look like corals suffering from light intensity IMHO. GL I Hope u get it sorted out I know how bad issues like this suck!!
I just lost one of my lps and have a leather that seems to be melting after changing to the AI prime and taking some advice on intensity. It sucks so I lowered intensity and my remaining corals seem to be adjusting fine. Re-acclimate and hopefully they will recover.

What were you running your levels at when you had issues with the prime? Really surprised to hear this based on the par they put out. As you know I have 2 over my 29g and I already have my UV/blues/violets running at 92% for 12 hours and the other channels on a 3 hour ramp period peaking at 55% for 12 total hours with no issues at all. This is with them mounted at only 8" now instead of 12" above the water. Sorry to hear you had issues as well.
Something doesn't sound right looks like it should be around 12 .6 or 13 with calcium that high according to my test kit
My temp is stays around 78 have a chiller. I use api alk test 8 drops to turn yellow and caliciun is 24 to 25 drops to turn blue. I dose 40mm of esv alk part 1 and 30mm of esv calcium part 2 a day.
okay just checked my levels before I am about to dose

ALK 8-9 (8 Drops greenish yellow 9th yellow)
PH 8
Calcium 480
Mag 1040-1200 (using Red Sea Pro twice and first was 1200 2nd was 1040
I would get new test kits or double check your test results against the LFS this way you know your testing equipment is up to par
I would get new test kits or double check your test results against the LFS this way you know your testing equipment is up to par

I have had my tank parameters tested with my test kit about a month ago except the damn red sea mag pro. There pretty spot on but i just picked up a Reek keeper elite and I will be hooking that up next week so I might be able to see if there is any kind of crazy PH swing. I did upgfrade my RO system not to long ago because largo has chlorimine and my system might not been good enough, I had a Sediment Filter, 5 micron Carbon RO with DI. I know Have a Sediment Filter, 5 Micron and 1 Micron Carbon block RO with DI but my TDS is now reading 3 to 2 now so I am wondering if I need my membrane need to be replaced.
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I feel your pain man, definitely use 1 micron across the board and make sure you are testing 0.00 tds before introducing any rodi into your sysystem. I would use distilled water until you get you rodi issue figured out.

If you need a few fresh gallons of rodi, let me know.
Yes and unless you are using a chloramine specific carbon stage you are still letting some pass, also the water should be coming out of the di stage at 0, anything higher and the Di or membrane needs replacing