Help with Toadstool please!


New member
My Toadstool is (ussually) 5 inches in diameter adn open and full.

But today, this is what I see....


Is it dieing or maybe just shedding?

How can I help it. I just did a 20 gallon water change on the 90 gallon tank.

Please advice. Thanks a bunch!
looks like some kind of rot or fungus. at the base, is there some there? (lighter yellow boundary at the very base)

i'd suggest lightly scraping it wherever the lighter color blotches occur. they should come off as a light dusting, although you may still have some discoloration left. you can use a very soft bristle (new/clean) toothbrush or even a blunt pencil (i've used chopsticks, tank-only) to rub/scrape similar occurrences. you're not trying to removing the top layer of flesh, more like just rubbing off a dried scab.

i'd add a little flow to the area or slightly move it into an area of greater flow as it will likely slime up a little in response and the increased flow should help the situation anyways. i also usually treat with lugol's (2~3 drops for a tank that size per week) but that's pers pref.

if you can siphon out the scrapings, it'd be better but i realize not always possible.
Damn mine doesn't look as bad as that but it might be there in a week... I was going to do a tech-D dip for about 3 minutes tomorrow and bush off the green stuff once every few days...

You guys think that will be enough or should I try to frag it while some of the areas are not infected.
I just did a 6 minute Tech-D dip. It has spread to my other I dipped them both. i am hoping they will bounce back. I will dip again in 5 days if it is still there.
Well, as of this morning, it seems to be doing a little better. It is extending around the edges, but still closed in the center. I think it may pull through.

(pics taken in the morning with the lights off in the tank)

