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I ordered some yumas and I got them they were OK, acclimated them, freshwater dip, had them in my tank for about 12 hours, only 6 with light.... they all have wide open mouths, brown slime is coming out, they are all shrinking, and I'm pretty sure I've seen like 5 weird little bugs with lots of legs come out of the rock they were on....

I have no idea what to do, and I'm worried about the rest of my tank now.... help please!
I believe freshwater dips can be bad for shrooms. How did you acclimate? was the freshwater properly ph balanced?

Judging from the description they are in it does not sound good at all.
Hrm... Mushrooms are tough little buggers. I'd say try moving to some place with a little more flow, but not super heavy or anything, and wait a couple of days.

My other thought is you might want to try an iodine dip (a few drops of iodine in about a cup or two of tank water, enough to turn it a yellowy hue) for a few minutes. But I would first let it rest from the freshwater dip.
Yeah they seem to be hanging on.... they closed their mouths, and they are closing up and opening on and off..... I've got a bit more flow going on too.... its hard to tell, they definitely dont look too happy... and one of them already died, I yanked him out last night.... thanks though
While I have not seen it personally, I have heard that shrooms can empty their guts (so to speak) when they are stressed. I have heard that that might also be a defense mechanism so maybe all it not lost!

Anyway, I feel your pain and hope that they are just stressed and will be better in a couple of days. You might also want to reconsider the freshwater dips (I am sure there are people just waiting to type in "they do it all the time without problems", but there are probably the same amount ready to pounce and say why it is

As far as the bug interlopers, you might want to bite the bullet and get a QT tank. I fought it forever, but finally justified a small 14G that also serves as a frag grow-out tank.

Good luck....just got six new ones in the mail today....ricordea...cannot wait to see them when they open up.
I have no room for a QT. I'm in a fairly small apartment, even my 29 is big in here.... so I dont see that really as an option. And the freshwater dip was because I didn't think ahead enough to go grab some dip the day before. Got some now, and have dipped them. I also took apart a section of my reef, built a big overhang (big for a 29) and stuck them all under there. Worked out the flow as well... I only did all this about 30 minutes ago, and they already look better. Thanks guys

Once in a while theres this white stringy **** coming off of them. What is that?
good to hear things are looking better.....white stuff is probably still a result of the stress, sounds like some slime which again is normal for them to do under those they stablize then you can slowly bring them into the light. I always start mine on the bottom for several weeks and then work them up the rocks to where eventually I want them to go.....
yeah stringy white stuff coming out of their mouth is their guts. They expel then when stressed. As long as they have their guts hanging out, I wouldn't do anything to them until they retract.