

New member
Hi,I have received some zoa frags in the post,they were in transit for around a week,the water was very cold 3 or 4 oc..they smell terrible.the water they were in had an ammonia reading of 1.0 ppm.all of the frags were covered in a type of whitish mucous membrane, (and still are). . I dipped in freshwater (rodi) and 6hours later in a mild iodine dip.after that I placed them in a qt tank and waited 24 hrs.i lifted them and they still stank desperation I added a larger amount of iodine and left them for 12 hrs.then I did a 50 percent water change and the following day another water change.they look the same now as they did when I unwrapped them..I know nothing about corals so some knowledgable advice wil gratefully be appreciated.ty
I would learn how to keep something BEFORE you buy it. They sound like goners but corals can surprise you on occasion. They were in the main far too long. Stop dosing them and give them a healthy tank to attempt to recover.
I would learn how to keep something BEFORE you buy it. They sound like goners but corals can surprise you on occasion. They were in the main far too long. Stop dosing them and give them a healthy tank to attempt to recover.

I was out from corals for at least a year and only had one frag of zoanthids that were in 65 degree water for a week. Never opened and shrunk.

Kept the small meaty nubs and restarted the aquarium 1 year later with better water quality and stable heat and they are still alive and opening up. Recovering of course but opening.