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So I transferred over my corals yesterday when I got home from work Becuz the 29 bc was turning all white, I put all of them into the 60 and everything was opening up fine, and now both of my frogspawns are acting weird also my gsp doesn't want to open up my rock anemone is acting weird also he stays closed and moves around side to side but doesn't open up, also My brittle star let his arms go and then died, also the last pulsing xenias look super bad and the pipe organ doesn't want to open at all, my frog spawn has some white slimey stuff coming off of him, I'm kinda worried about the tank, someone let me know what I can do, I checked all the perimeter and they were all good phosphates were at .25-.50
So I transferred over my corals yesterday when I got home from work Becuz the 29 bc was turning all white, I put all of them into the 60 and everything was opening up fine, and now both of my frogspawns are acting weird also my gsp doesn't want to open up my rock anemone is acting weird also he stays closed and moves around side to side but doesn't open up, also My brittle star let his arms go and then died, also the last pulsing xenias look super bad and the pipe organ doesn't want to open at all, my frog spawn has some white slimey stuff coming off of him, I'm kinda worried about the tank, someone let me know what I can do, I checked all the perimeter and they were all good phosphates were at .25-.50
Phosphate way to high I think. .1 is where I go ahead and change gfo.

I would also run a bag of carbon as this will pull anything that does not belong there.
The Biocube started to get cloudy like a milkish color but when I left the lights off for a day it went back to normal, I don't have gfo I'm running a phosban reactor, and this is the frogspawn,
Like was said before, water change, carbon, and I'll add prayer to the list. You cannot "fix" these problems. All you can do is create an environment that will give the tank an opportunity to fix itself. The more you mess with it, the worse it gets. It would be nice to know what caused this in the first place so some background on the tank would help.
Cloudy water sounds like a bacterial bloom to me. It could be a number of things, but without knowing anything else, thats my guess. If so, over load on carbon, and throw some dechlorinator (amquel, prime, ect) in there to help with the bacterial die off. Also I would add an air pump to hyper oxygenate the tank. Bacteria, although small, will eat up oxygen VERY quickly in a small tank, and starve out everything you actually want to live in there..

Water parameters and more pictures of everything will help us all give you more insight I'm sure.

Good luck
As soon as I get home I'll retest everything, but I tested everything the day before I put them all into the 60 and everything was at 0ppm cal was at 19-20 drops all was at 9 and the only thing that's kinda giving me a problem is the temperature, it keeps going up and down I think it's time for a new heater, might look into an ehiem one, I'm running a 300 watt right now and I keep it at 79 but during the night it drops to 75
Ok so here's an update, I called my LFS that I go to a lot and she told me the things it could be, 1 it would be the fact that I changed my 5gal wet dry sump to a 20gal refuge sump, due to not having the bacteria and having to cycle, the could be the fact that my heater isn't to good at all at keeping one temperature, it goes from 79 almost 80 down to 74 or 75s, so after talking to her about it I went to her shop and got some carbon to polish the water in see of anything, and the heater I got didn't work so im going to go get an ehiem Wednesday, I tested the water once I got home and the nitrite,nitrate,ph,cal,alkalinity,salinity were all good, ammonia was just turning greenish and the phosphates are .50 to 1.0 which is high, I did change the phosgaurd as soon as I got home so gotta let it finish its course.
In my opinion you are having or just had a mini cycle. If the corals were healthy before a mini cycle, they just get irritated during and after. If they were already stressed, some will die. The other reason that i believe so is because you said the brittle star lost its arms before dying, same thing happened to me before... I would suggest 50% water change a couple of times within a week, carbon and hope for the best.
I just added the carbon yesterday and changed the phosban, I'm going to go to my LFS tomorrow and get 20gal of water maybe 30 and go a water change.

All the corals I had in there ( rock anemone pipe organ xenias zoa pod and some gsp) opened before I changed the sumps but after I did so is when they started acting weird, I changed the sumps on wednesday of last week, hopefully this week things will change.
Ok so a little update on the tank, I did a 15 gallon water change, and i also added carbon to my sump, i had to remove the sump due to me forgetting to put my ato fill hose back into the tank, *facepalm*, But after that i waited a little bit to not stress the tank out,i did an ammonia test today and the ammonia went down a little bit so it is helping, now my concern is the fish in the tank arent affected by any of this, they are swimming around the tank perfectly and super happy and eat like pigs, including the crabs i caught a while ago, also saw the flounder happy also, he was chasing live brine around the tank eating them lol, but my rock anemone STILL hasnt opened at all like before, should i dose some phytoplanton to see if he will open up? also when i removed the sump i did notice the bottom of the sump was slimey in the refuge chamber, i dont know if that helps at all.
Don't dose any phyto until you get your parameters straight. You can try to spot feed the anemone at night with a little mysis, etc.
I tried feeding him mysis with only the blue lights off and all he did was close up and didnt even grab the shrimp like he always does, another one of my concern is i have another rock anemone in the tank and he seems to be doing fine also a anemone crab and hes fine also, im kinda confused on why its happening to 1 anemone but not the other.....
Like was said before, water change, carbon, and I'll add prayer to the list. You cannot "fix" these problems. All you can do is create an environment that will give the tank an opportunity to fix itself. The more you mess with it, the worse it gets. It would be nice to know what caused this in the first place so some background on the tank would help.

I agree with Rovster- Start off with how old tank is. What are your export methods, feedings like, WC schedule, how are you managing the Holy Trinity? etc.....
well i took everything back out the other day, and put it all back into the 29 BC and everything is opened up like crazy lol, might treat them with some phyto lol, and as for how i would transfer the corals and fish and inverts over to the other tank, I would drip acclimate them, I have a 1 gal bucket i would put them in there and start a constant stream to regulate the temp, and in both of the tanks i keep the salinity at 1.025, once the temps are both the same if not .5 degree different, then i would put them into the big tank and put then with the blue lights on only and not on full blast, the most would be at 25% blues moon and whites would be off, if theres something im doing wrong just let me know, But like i said the fish and inverts seem to be doing great, they eat like pigs and are playing around all the time, now about the holy trinity part im lost on that LOL, i dont know what you mean by that but if its the perimeters they are all fine sept for some ammonia and phosphates up, i know the phosphates cant be the reason the rock anemone doesnt want to open due to the fact that my cousin had it in before i got the tank and the phosphate was at 5.0 on the API test kit and it was always open and always huge, i may end up trying to put a rock over it so it has some shadows i think that might also be the cause.
Like Rovster said the more you mess with it the harder it is to analyze the issues.

Regarding the holy trinity, it refers to Alk/Ca/Mg. STABILITY of these 3 parameters is KEY to a successful reef.

No phosphates wont close corals at that level, but it does not help either. That being said Ammonia is bad news at any detectible level.
I barely touch the tank only if I doing the water change or I check the water, and the last times I tested the water the alk was at 10 drops the cal was at 20 drops ( 400 ) and the mag was at 1290 which maybe a little low but I did dose reef complete after that to raise it up.