HentzReef: 60 Gallon ZEOvit Tank

Tank is completely cycled! Had some nasty nasty algae come through. It was extremely thick and all over. Though over a week it disappeared with a small tint of it remaining. Rather than brown film covering the glass, its now even more green over the course of 2-3 days.

Added 4 Turbo Snails to get things started on clean up and a cheap Birdsnest Frag to see how it is. So far, its been a day and a half and the frag is still doing great. Snails are in turbo mode, pun intended, and cleaning the wall thoroughly.

I also added 5 marine pure balls that the LFS sells to seed tanks. My tank is exploding with pods, everywhere. I love it!

Going to move my fish and older snails over in a few days, along with my ATO and controller.

Question for you guys, my snails and fish are in a tank with old rock with Bubble Algae. I'm going to need to clean the snails shells before putting them in my new tank to prevent getting my tank hit again... How do I clean their shells?
Im about to install a vertex Zeolite reactor too.

Whats your flow per hour on the reactor and amount of zeolite used?

Sweet man!

The flow I run my ZEOvit reactor varies between 40-60gph. Varies from the look of my corals in terms of health and color. Corals too pale; I slow it down to near 40gph. Everything looks healthy, I slowly increase to 60gph. You'll need to experiment depending on your tank.

I used 0.6liters of ZEOlites.

Seeing you're running a 60 gallon reef, you'll be using around the same exact settings as the ones I mentioned above.
Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you, my tank officially up and running!!

Got my fish and original CUC in and settled.
My clowns seem extremely happy, considering they spent the last 2ish months in a small 10 gallon tank. They're swimming all over the tank checking out their newly renovated home. The Male is even doing the "shaky" kinda gesture to the female, haven't seem him do that since they were in the 10 gallon.

Got my Apex all hooked up and reprogrammed. Everything is completely automated now.

Tried to take care of some cord management, however, its just almost impossible with the limited space I have. No big deal, I'm the only one ever looking under the hood. Guess its just my OCD that eats away at it!

That gyre will do but another one on the opposite side and you'll be good to go with random flow!

love the scape and equipment you have on here. You cant go wrong with neptune!
I also started my 120 zeo tank back in october. Just now I "think" my cycle is complete. I used dry rock and started from scratch. My dkh keeps dropping, so keep an eye on that. I would like to follow your youtube series. How do I find you? Let me know if you have any questions.

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I may be taking a break from the hobby. Still undecided, but just trying to play life a little on the safer side right now.

My girlfriend had her first big race here in Las Vegas. Racing against some pretty insane riders and some even pro. That being said, I felt this was a very special weekend for her. We've had our ups and downs, though God just keeps telling us we're meant to be. After her second race this weekend, I had our parents take pictures of us. Little did she know, I would be proposing to her. SHE SAID YES!

We were all hungry, so her family and I decided to celebrate at lunch. As we followed, her dad wasn't paying very much attention.. Traffic stopped, he slammed on his breaks and so did I.. Lets just say... It was a second to late for me..

All this being said, I now have my accident to take care of. Not only that, I have my next school semester to pay off and some other things as well.
We plan on getting married within the next month or two, so I'll need to be saving up some pennies for us and 4 horses.

While I'm smart and I do save, especially for emergencies... I just feel my tank and equipment can really add that extra comfort to help pay for damages and school. So I may or may not be selling everything for the time being and taking a short break from the hobby.
Congrats on the proposal!

Sorry to hear about your truck.

Maybe you could just run a small nano tank while you take a break from big complicated reef keeping?
Hey! Congrats! That's awesome!!
Who cares about the truck and the reef, man. That's temporary stuff..
Do what's right for the family, right now.
You sound like a responsible guy making responsible decisions.
Good luck, Hentz!
You'll be back sooner or later...... :)
Thanks guys.

Reefmutt, you're 100% right. Truck and reef... Temporary stuff. Family is definitely important, especially my soon to be.

Like Zachxlutz mentioned above, I would be running a small nano of some sort for the time being.
I'd most likely be looking into selling everything and running something big enough to keep the right island in my current tank. Would probably upgrade lights over time while just running my Kessil 150 I have laying around for temp lighting to hold my fish and what not.

However, my restaurant has been busy, so maybe quick money will swoop up and help me feel completely comfortable again without having to sell things.

Time will only tell. Until then, I won't be adding anything in the tank until I know what I have to do.

That being said, for videos, I have one in the works now. Just haven't had time to edit between work and the lady's barrel race as we stayed down on Fremont here in Las Vegas for 4 days.
Show betta's homie.



