Hermie Going to DIE!


New member

I only have one hermit crab and i asked a guy online (here at this website) and he said that hermit crabs can become very stressfel if don't have a "friend/buddy"! Is any one selling hermit crabs? Or does anyone know about people selling them at a reasonable price!

Ashley and Big Red (my lonely hermie!):( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
i can only guess that you would get on much better by asking on a land hermit crab forum... they are normally easy to find/buy

a lone hermit crab on this forum is not going to get any sympathy and promptly dropped in beside a hungry octopus! LOL
Afriend of mine has a hermit too...He is keeping it alone for soo long thing even shaded and is doing well!! dun worry bout urs!!
Hermits are pretty much a dime a dozen at any pet shop. Not sure if Wisconsin is the same as PA, but i wouldnt think you would have much trouble (Give the yellow pages a shot and call around). I had a lone hermit crab years ago and he lived a long time in solitude... isnt that what being a hermit is about? Your crab should do just fine until you find another.:)