Hey all


New member
What up everyone,

Been under the radar for a bit, but hopefully I can get back into the swing of things here.

My tanks coming along nicely (i think). Just been shoppin for a better skimmer as of late. Had a couple questions though, thought you all might be able to help.
Firstly where can i get plexiglass around here, i need to fix my sump, it sucks right now, i just found out about baffles.
Nextly, im using my return line from the sump as a power head, sorta, i ran pvc across the back of the tank and drilled some holes in it. It seems to be working well for motion in the tank but i was looking for your guys thoughts.
Also whats up with the brown crap thats spreading through my tank like a plague. Everything ive read says im overfeeding but when i cut that back it didnt help, any ideas?
And last one i swear, is the salt build up im getting around my sump normal? my salinity never really changes, but im adding water all the time so should i worry about it?
im sure ill have more soon
thanks gents
Welcome back!

Acrylic can be found at the Kanahide DIY store. There is one at navel kadena. Make sure you buy the clear stuff and not the stuff with the blue tinge. The clear stuff is more expensive but is the stuff to get. Using your return pump as a way to create flow will work but it also results in you last problem of salt buildup. Less flow through the sump will fix that. As far as the brown stuff (diatoms) that is normal and tanks can have fluctuations that will cause it other than overfeeding. Reduced photo period can also help get rid of it as well as better skimming.
im getting the brown stuff real bad right now myself.. :( and im trying to do a new sump also.. so I feel ya.
Kadena gate one -> turn right -> go down the strip/past the flightline/ Kadena Marina -> Left at stoplight and its back in there.
Also, not the kadena marina stoplight, the one with the family mart on the corner. If you get to McDonalds, youve gone to far.
But as FD pointed out to me, you will have to go to the hobby shop to have it cut. They can't cut it there