High ammonia

vito is hooked

New member
Dr Tim's new tank 125 75gal sump Carib sand no filter socks off skimmer 125 drops of Dr Tim's ammonia and still .08 ammonia been 3 days followed directions can't figure out why
It can take more than 3 days for the nitrifying bacteria to settle inside your rocks, sand, etc.
Isnt it 4 drops per gallon?..
Not sure what you are thinking the problem is either?.. What is it you are expecting to happen?
Yep, its 4 drops per gallon just used some, I just acclimated a new rock arch i made from several smaller pcs. and just placed it in my DT yesterday. From start it was ammonia daily 16 drops in 4 gallons in a bucket with a heater & a pump, and tested daily for ammonia lvls before adding more until lvls began dropping, it took 3 weeks to finally consume all the ammonia daily & also show no nitrites only nitrates. I had the temp high at 85 also to speed things up as well as adding additional bacteria to the bucket and a couple small pcs. of LR from my DT also. I added an extra week with additional testing & water changes to be certain all cycling was over as i was removing some LR & replacing with new dry rock that is at least bacteria cycling so i didn't have any ammonia or nitrite issues. Takes about 3-4 weeks TBH usually.