High nitrates

Well, two and a half months have passed and my nitrates are still between 12-16. Phosphates decreased last week to 0,12 but only because I used Phosguard for some days (before that was still around 0,3). Still using Pro Bio S (bought a new bottle just in case), NP Pro (changed from drops to doser just in case), stopped using A,V,B,E and did weekly water changes as always. I have been using Zeo Mix, Phosphate Minus and Carbon, but in a bag, instead of a reactor. Same skimmer but skimming drier, although it seems there is not much to skim, as my collection cup never gets too full. As my salt and component 1,2,3 are finishing, I'm considering switching back to Red Sea, because I've been using Aquaforest for almost seven months and things are clearly worst than they where in May. Any new suggestion from any of you will be appreciated.
Thank you
Croff maybe try some of their Life bio fil (seeded matrix),some more bacteria real estate but its already seeded.

I'm also still same like you trying to get No3 to kick down from months ago,I'm now running zeomix at KZ recommended amounts & flow to see if that will do something.
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I'll try it if I can find it here.
What seems strange to me is that nitrates climbed to 13-16 when I started using Aquaforest and they have been always the same, not more, not less, and I have added Siporax and then Zeo Mix since. It's like they have done nothing to the system in all these months... And yes, I have measured with different tests.
I have never used Bio S; do you think that could help? If I continue with Aquaforest, would it be better to use Reef salt instead of Probiotic? Would it be a big difference if I buy a reactor for Zeo and Phosphate Minus? (although Phosguard seemed to work in less than a week).
I don't know mate i got no answers either, it seems like the nitrifying bacteria are working to get No3 present but the hold up seems to be the denitrifying bacteria to get rid of it from there. I got 2 skimmers running so skimmer ain't the issue for me.
I also tried adding not BioS but ProBioF & that's in amongst the list of things i've tried that brought no change,added more matrix,differant bottles of ProBioS + Np Pro.
The siporax or matrix i think needs to be away in a low flow area rather than high flow looking thru the siporax thread.
In my trials to date the zeomix i didn't see bringing any improvement at the 300/300/300 zeo/carbon/phos mix in a reactor so i've now stepped things up with the zeomix running by itself & pushing the "safe" zone some.

Its taken me months to build up what i been doing with the increasing levels of Zeomix so for you that Life Bio Fil might be a quicker result & a lot safer way to try out
Hi Croff,
At this point, I think we should evaluate the skimmer, given that it is usually what helps to reduce N&P, regardless of what type system. That, or there must be a source of nitrates that is undetected, just seems odd to still be having this issue. I totally understand your frustration, and hope that it is resolved, and hopefully corals are ok? Please let me know if I can help? Cheers!
Hello again,
I have been using NOPOX along with Pro Bio S and NP Pro for the last 7-9 days, and my nitrates are now 5 and phosphates 0,04. Since that seems to be working, do you think that I could continue using all Aquaforest products except ProBio S and NP Pro and substitute them with NOPOX? I also stopped using Zeo Mix and Phosphate Minus, so my only nutrient control would be NOPOX.

Again, thank you for your patience and advise
Hello, and sorry foto the delay...
Nitrates now around 1, phosphates 0.03. Dosing AF products except Pro Bio S and NP Pro which were substituted by NOPOX almost 1 month ago. Everything looks really good now, coral growing nicely. I also stopped using Zeo Mix and Phosphate Minus, so nutrients are maintained low using only 1 ml. of NOPOX daily, which is what I was using before starting with AF. I really don't know why Pro Bio S and NP Pro didn't work for me, but I have tried for several months without success.