Well, two and a half months have passed and my nitrates are still between 12-16. Phosphates decreased last week to 0,12 but only because I used Phosguard for some days (before that was still around 0,3). Still using Pro Bio S (bought a new bottle just in case), NP Pro (changed from drops to doser just in case), stopped using A,V,B,E and did weekly water changes as always. I have been using Zeo Mix, Phosphate Minus and Carbon, but in a bag, instead of a reactor. Same skimmer but skimming drier, although it seems there is not much to skim, as my collection cup never gets too full. As my salt and component 1,2,3 are finishing, I'm considering switching back to Red Sea, because I've been using Aquaforest for almost seven months and things are clearly worst than they where in May. Any new suggestion from any of you will be appreciated.
Thank you
Thank you