High Nutrient Macro Algae/Sea Grass Reef

It's good to have a system in place. I need to do that. I have two battery powered air pumps, but I have 3 tanks and a sump to worry about in addition to 3 QT tanks when they're running. Short power outages aren't much of a problem as long as the power filters turn back on OK. I'm not concerned when I'm home, but when I'm on vacation, even though I have someone come check on things, I don't want to have them do a lot of work if the power goes out. Time to research my options.

Temperature isn't a problem for me since my tanks are native and have no heaters or chillers, and located where things won't get bad no matter the time of year.

I think an air pump/gang valve set up would work on most of the tanks.
Today our local club sponsored a coral show/frag swap. It was really good for my tank, not so much for my wallet. I really went in hopes of maybe seeing NPS gorgs to buy but the last 2 years I had not seen any. One vender had some really nice red and yellow gorgs so got 1 of each.

However I also came home with a Duncan frag (with 3 heads), a gsp frag and a coco worm. And I bought a small magnet frag rock to put on my back wall where I hope to grow the gsp.

It was nice seeing friends at it too. Great day and hopefully pics coming soon.
Glad you had a good time Dawn๐Ÿ‘
It was a lot of fun.
Looking forward to seeing them.

The top pic is a new Duncan frag and NPS red gorg. The 2nd pic is of a NPS yellow gorgs and the 3rd pic is of a gsp frag. The 4th pic is the tank as it is with the new coral.
Looks awesome Dawn!
Thanks Kevin. Today I rearranged/tweaked the placement of my new coral. I decided first that the gsp definitely should not be so close to the gyre, so I moved it lower on the wall and moved the gyre slightly higher. I am sure it would be a mess if gsp got in the gyre.

The other corals were just little moves so not worth mentioning except that I opened up the sandbed a bit. As an artist I always like to see the negative space of some open sandbed as well as negative space of open water too. That is tricky considering that my rock scape is definitely not minimalist but I have come to a balance that suits me.
I tested PO4 and NO3 again today to see how stable my nitrates and phosphates are with the auto fish feeder on the tank. I did not do a water change last week. I won't be doing one this week either since they are the same as last test. I am pleased the tank is so stable since I will be out of town next week and Dave is fish sitting for me. All he has to do is give them one frozen cube once a day. I will probably do a water change when I get home.

All of this is good info in preparation for our 3+ week trip to Alaska this summer. It would be awesome if I could do a water change before I go and the tank not need another until I get back. Then my sister and son will only need to check the ATO and feed frozen on the days they come.
What kind of food are you putting into your autofeeder? I found a good mix of Vibra Bites, spirulina flakes, and earthworm flakes did very well while I was away. I came back to fat healthy fish, but, the longest I was away was two weeks doing this. I had someone come and check on things (like making sure the water level was topped off) and could call me if they saw something go wrong. I told them that they could feed the fish frozen food if the wanted too, which they did, but it was about once every three days.