Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

QUICK UPDATE ( Things are Boring with the SPS tank !!! :) )

Things have gotten boring.

- The tank is stable.
- No algae, no Cyano
- No corals bleaching, or dying, even the red dragon is staying alive
- All corals keeping their colors, grow on tips, polyping nicely
- No tank accidents

- Just doing water changes and watching chemistry.
- Cleaning skimmer and Algae scrubber.
- Water changes every other week.
- No feeding corals artificial anything. (Just fish waste)

OH MY!! This is the way things are suppose to be.
I forgot after two year of struggles.

The only exciting thing is that I've noticed an slow increase in Alk/Calc consumption.

So I'm planning on finishing that Auto Doser project, since manual Top up/WCs won't cut it in the long run.

Then I'll start thinking about adding Pottasium testing to my regimine.
Got a bulk bag of pure KCL to bring up my K level.

I'M NOT POSTING any Photos of tank till there is some good progress to show.
SPS Tank moving Along (Been Busy on Computer Project) Kitchen Tank Update

I have pretty well left the SPS tank alone. Not much to show at this point.
No problems so far.

Been working on a big project to restore an old Retro Amiga 2000 Computer.

Almost finished the Auto Doser that I started building. Coming out nice.

And I finally glued down all Corals in my non-SPS Kitchen Tank.

(Motivation came quickly when one of my Favourite corals got swept under rocks and took me over an hour to get it out, knocking over more corals)

There is nothing left in this tank to do other than watch it grow and fill in.
Somehow it just takes care of itself (hands-off-Totally).
No idea why. My guess is much lower lighting, maturity and strong Biology.


There is one special thing about the Kitchen Tank above.
(Got a Aussie Golden Torch [Bottom right], just yesterday, so it's not quite open. But it is spectacular looking)

Many more weeks till have a photo of the SPS tank.
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SPS Tank moving Along (Been Busy on Computer Project) Kitchen Tank Update

I have pretty well left the SPS tank alone. Not much to show at this point.
No problems so far.

Been working on a big project to restore an old Retro Amiga 2000 Computer.

Almost finished the Auto Doser that I started building. Coming out nice.

And I finally glued down all Corals in my non-SPS Kitchen Tank.

(Motivation came quickly when one of my Favourite corals got swept under rocks and took me over an hour to get it out, knocking over more corals)

There is nothing left in this tank to do other than watch it grow and fill in.
Somehow it just takes care of itself (hands-off-Totally).
No idea why. My guess is much lower lighting, maturity and strong Biology.


There is one special thing about the Kitchen Tank above.
(Got a Aussie Golden Torch [Bottom right], just yesterday, so it's not quite open. But it is spectacular looking)

Many more weeks till have a photo of the SPS tank.

Wally! This is a damn fine looking tank!!
It's also clean as a whistle..
Nice job!
Wally! This is a damn fine looking tank!!
It's also clean as a whistle..
Nice job!

Thanks Matt.

Yes clean and "A" free. I won't the the A-word!!
I think they key reason for "A-Free" is that A-Blenny I got a year ago (Big Hungry one). He really keeps A in check.

This tank is in between Kitchen and Family Room, so 3 Sided Viewing.

Here is a photo of the back/Corner.
Nobody ever sees the nice Orange Sponge in the Front Photos'.
(Note: The Frogspawn, and Trumpets are about 15 years old....Started from 1 head each)

Also shows where are the fish like to hang out. They like the current coming from the Return Pump Pipe at Top.

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It's been a learning experience, and this thread has done it's part.
Time to start fresh....

This tank Thread is ending.





Things continue with NEW THREAD here.......


I'll only update a few more times to make sure friends of past get the info.

Wally B