Hippo tang is aggressive to male BT trigger


New member
I have a 240 g tank. The hippo has been in for 1.5 years, from 2" to 5" now. I added a pair of BT triggers yesterday (3-4", 1 male 1 female). The female has been going about when first added. The hippo ignored her yesterday but started to harass her today. She is able to fend off and going to wherever she wants to so far.

The male is a different story. He was shy and hidden when introduced in yesterday. Today he went out a couple of times, each time hippo chased him down fairly aggressively. Sometimes the hippo would chase down the tank length, 8', or one time thrash its tail against the trigger repeatedly when it was cornered in a cave inner corner.

The hippo has been the boss and the tank was peaceful until today. What to do now? Wait and let them sort out? I read triggers are fairly tough. I would really like to keep the pair and the hippo if possible.
Blue throat triggers are very timid by nature. If you don’t remove the tang, they won’t eat and will starve to death.
Thanks for the inputs! One thing I noticed was that the male kept getting out of the hiding place even being harassed. He is hungry but is still strong. The female is fat now. Do you think I turn off the light for a week or so will help? The idea is to allow the male to eat and then be back on its feet. Due to the amount of LR in DT, it's nearly impossible to get the hippo out without stressing out all the fishes.
Hippo is not aggressive as other tangs. I would leave it. You can turn off lights and flood systems with food and use mirrors, too.
Just verified by online pictures that the female BT is actually a boomerang trigger :uhoh3: I had my suspicion after I brought them home from LFS. Anyone has experience with this trigger? So far it seems to mind its own buz and not allowing anyone to mess with it. It is very active and fun to watch.

The male BT is doing better by going about but is still timid. The hippo becomes much less hostile and there is no more chasing. Hope the BT can start to eat soon. No change to lighting etc.
Do what africangray suggests, the blue hippo will keep itself busy going at its reflection; I’ve done that when introducing another tang/s and the method works.
Get a plastic mirror piece and secure it with tape onto the glass