Ho Hum, another 180G in wall (pics and need advice)

thanks all (for bringing some life to my thread!) someday I'll post new pics of the T5 lighting added and how I redid my skimmer stand and electrical....
Yeah should keep it updatred even if your having issues. Its the only way for info and feedback to do something you might not already know ;)

1. What are your nutrient levels ?
2. What are your parameters ?
3. Which testkits you using ?
4. How old are they ?
5. How old are your bulbs ?
I just recently got a juvenile orange should as well, they are very active fish and mine is starting to show it's colors a tad. :D
Hi Tanya....

1. nutrients, I had been feeding freeze dried coral food (like Reef Chili) once a week, sometimes twice. But then I got some Rod's food about 2 months ago, and was feeding that once to twice a week. In between that I was throwing in flakes for the fish and microcrabs (freeze dried). I think I was feeding too heavily over the last 2 months, because I got the RS sailfin and he wasn't eating, so I was adding more food than usual to see if he would eat, he's finally eating and I've slowed down feedings.

2. Params are in check, SG 1.024, nitrates 0, phosphates 0, dkH is 9, pH 8.35-8.4

3. API typically

4. they are under a year old, some newer, some older

5. VHO's are around 7 months, I'm going to change them soon, the t5's are only a couple months old.


@mike - no worries, I can see how they can be mixed up, they are very similar at this stage. The OS is much cooler looking as an adult though.
Looks really cool with the office next to the tank. I am hoping for a basement and a 180 with my next move so I am following along for ideas.
Oddly enough, I have a flame angel in my 90 and it doesn't bother anything. My snails however keep knocking my Zoas off their rocks.
Thanks Abraxos, all pygmy angels are hit and miss, I've heard stories of Flames being model citizens and some being terrors...mine is not a terror, but he is not reef safe anymore...

@m0nk - how big was yours when you got it? mine was tiny, tiny, barely 1.5", he's grown alot since, but no sign of the shoulder appearing yet...
I'll get some adam, need to take a fts, since last time I've moved nearly to all sps, just a little lps left over ;)
wow it's been over two years, since then I've had some bad luck with

my tank, mostly due to lack of attention and bad husbandry, which last

year I turned over a new leaf and started doing 10% WC every two weeks

and recently dosing brightwell potassion and kent iodine (minimumally

as a supplement).

I also changed my bulbs (which I did regularly every 6-9 mo) to the


4 72" VHO's - 3X UVL 454 and 1X UVL Aquasuns (used to be 2X Super Act)
4 36" T5's - 4X Actinic+ by Guiessmann (from ATI blue+)

so far I like it, even brighter than before, but a little less purple,

I might condisered swapping two of the t5's for those KZ purple bulbs

or something next time, if I dont go LED.

I've added two Vortech MP40w ES's which I bought earlier this year and

dumped the 4 korallia evo's.

the big change is I caught the "colored sticks" bug, so my tank is now

predominantly SPS, with a few leftover LPS that survived and even one

softie (Green Nepthea sp?)

I've pretty mch been buying cheap SPS frags from my fav LFS and some

others (typically $10 or less) and with success have slowly moved up

to more expensive pieces ($25+ for 1" frags of red planet or ora,

etc). I've had really good results and growth since the beginning of

the year and now I've got a tank that I'm someowhat proud of, but it

needs more tiem for growth and I hope it keeps going.

pictures in the next post.




I took a bunch of top shots with my viewer, they mostly turned out


rainbow monti

this was from the recent fragfest, I believe it's a F&S northwoods

I got this cool frag from MCF, a aussie coral that grows like an eflo,

you can see the growth starting on the left, also a setosa I bought

from the recent frag fest

red planet

One cheapo frag that has really taken off

catspaw in the middle from the FF, misc acro and the blueberry muffin

further down
cool green frag, like the circular polyps

another cheapo that has really fourished, one of my favs, the base is

green, the tips are blue

I believe the left is a frogskin and the right is a spongodes, the

forgskin is realatively new and the spongodes has really taken off

green cap

spathulata on the left, the center one was a cheapo that really has

encrusted, but not taken off yet, then the hydnophora from the FF,

which wasn't in good shape to being with, but was only $5, we'll see

if it recovers

purple haze monti

another cheapo that really took off and another fav

sunset monti, this sucker was brown

not sure the name, but finally growing

valida from the FF, looks washed out from the pic, but has nice blue

group pic, pink lemonade mill in the back from FF

bird of paradise, can't see the yellow in it, but from above I can see it

red digi, sort blurry, but it's really encrusting toward the back

pink stylo and the purple haze

cool deepwater acro frag

blueberry muffin monti

the next set of frags are in my rack acclimating to the light, picked them up from Exotic Aquatics, I won $50 goft card at the FF

Blue Milli colony

this one is actually pink and green, but in the dimmer light you can't see it

a little blue acro frag

another blue frag, it has some pink in the tips
Fish time!

Dejardini Tang, the king of the tank

Orange shoulder tang

Eyelash blenny

solon wrasse

Blake's Onxy clown

ORA naked clown

Neon gobie

I also have one green chromis left...:)

Thanks for looking!
Gig, i want a update since 10/14 is too long ago. Have to ask, when you did it in wall did you cut the hole / slide the tank where you wanted it / put up trim and the base shoe to make it look flush on the tank? It looks quite well and im putting mine up right as i get home from Mexico. So next month Granny will have a build thread of his own! owow :D
Hey Dave, when we finished the basement, this was part of the build, so I had the contractor build the stand, cut the hole in the wall and do all the finishing, it was quite easy, I just paid him to do it! :D

Looking forward to your build!