Ho Hum, another 180G in wall (pics and need advice)

looks good, few question. what is the 2 1.5 pvc going into the ground with black cover? drain ...what is the tank located next to skimmer?
Thanks Bart...that is my sump/pump for the house! The big blue oblong tank is the storage container for the well.

PS - I really need to clean my QT tank, it's got tons of pods and coralline growing in it.

I think my Angels are nipping my LPS and even my shrooms. In the morning my cup corals and frogspawn are out, but by the afternoon they are either semi-closed or closed. This has been going on for awhile. I haven't had a chance to sit in front of the tank an observe for long periods of time due to my newborn daughters, but I am fairly sure this is the cause.

I've had the majestic for a few year and would be hard to part with him and the flame is farily new, so I don't mind trading him in.

The issue is I already have a PBT and it will be tough to add other tangs with him already established and he is very aggressive.

So my options are:

Break down the tank to catch the 4 fish.

put the corals in a rubbermaid tub for a couple hours, pull out as much LR as I can to catch the critters.

Put the majestic and the two tangs in my 45G QT, trade in the flame.

keep the majestic in the 45G by himself (there is LR in the tank and tons of coralline algae and other macros)

buy some more tangs and stuff for the main display before introducing the PBT again.

or put a temporary divider in the main, but the PBT in there and add more tangs, etc.

Any thoughts?
I've been lazy, so I've moved every coral that the angels like into the fuge for now. :)

It's strange, I have a lighter colored xenia, they don't touch, so I bought a darker maroon colored one and the Flame loved it, moved it to the fuge. :(

We recently (6 mo ago) had twins girls, so they are obviously taking my time up, but I try to get to the tank from time to time. I plan on moving the Angels to my 45G, maybe sell back the Flame, but I cannot part with the Majestic, because I've had him for 3-4 years so far.

I'm also battling some form of Dinos now, so I raised my pH and seeing what will happen, along with Siphoning what I can.
SAW THE DINO PIC. VERY NASTY. Lights out for 3 days, put in an hour break in the middle of your light period when you re-start. Stop doing water changes. Test for silicates. Skim heavy.

Twin girls...you are in so much trouble. :eek2:
LOL! yes I am!

I'll try the lights out, the wierd thing is, there is none of this stuff in my sump, it's pretty much confined to my display. After an email exchange with Bob Fenner, I have a suspicion my flow is too low in the display.

The system is powered by a 3600 gph dart, that outputs into the tank in 5 places, with two of them being split by Y loclines. The fuge gets the full force of the 3600 running thru it, so whatever this stuff is, it can't get a hold.

I just recently puchased a 1200 gph Koralia 4 and installed it 2 days ago in the display, so we shall see if it has any effect, I may get another for the other side. I also upped the kalk drip and my pH is at 8.4 now (before it was 8.2-8.3).

we shall see...
Dinos aren't necessarily due to flow issues. And I didn't have any in my sump either. I would blow them off the rocks and the next day they would be covered again. Dinos can actually move through the water column. I raised pH as well but recently found out that my probes needed to be recalibrated, so I have no idea what my actual pH was at the time.
very nice set up. One thing I would def. change is the aquascaping. It looks like too much of a straight wall of rock but that is JMHO besides that very nice
thanks Tanya, I actually plan on redoing it sometime soon, I might build 3 "piles", one in the middle and one in front of each of the reef ready intakes. The gravel (crushed coral) is really only decorative and is in the front of the tank, the majority of the LR sits on a small layers of substrate and the back of the tank is completely barebottom.

If I create the two "valley", it might show the barebottom more, but once it's completely covered with coralline and algae, it might not be an issue for me.
Thanks reeftanks...I know have 7 mo old twins at home and the tank has taken a serious backseat :)

I really only have time to clean it from time to time and monitor the params once a week if I am lucky. It seems to be stable, but I can't get my Ca above 280-300, my Mg is fine, so is my PH (8.3) and Alk runsa round 8. I am battling dinoflagellates though. Just did a cleanout job and left the lights off for 24 hours, but I think I need to go for 48 hours or more.

Also, need to really consider moving my angels out of the tank, they nips some stuff and not others (they leave my Frogspawn, Torch, mushrooms and toadstool alone, but nip on the zoos, red mushrooms and a different stalk of Xenia, as well as my flowerpot).

I might put a divider in the tank temporarily to keep the angels in a 1/3 of the tank and the PB tang in the other 2/3 with the corals.

not sure if somebody mentioned this as i dont want to sift through the whole thread but get rid of the hydor rotator and get some eductors!
thanks mystery reef, I did get rid of them a long time ago, they kept coming off...I'll look into the eductors, got any links?
lol, thanks Tanya, see my post from 3/4/08 from last year...pretty much the same, I have added a few hammer frags and a juvi orange shoulder tang and recently bought a real nice adult Red Sea sailfin tang from a fellow reefer. Now I'm battling a bit of hair/turf algae, mostly due to overfeeding I think, but I have recently increased my light schedule to 12 hours for the actinics and 11 for the daylight bulbs. Might need to cut it back a hour.

I dont get alot of groth and have had trouble keeping the easiest of corals going well (like Zoas and even mushrooms!)...although my torch and frogspawn are doing ok, just not thriving. I thought it might be that my light schedule was too short (about 8 hours), so I pumped it up, we'll see...

I've also started experimenting with new lights, swithing my two rows of t5's to ATI blue Plus and then run the other 4 rows of 72" VHO's with UVL Super Actinics and UVL Actinic Whites. I need to switchout the UVL VHO's soon, so I might try a AquaSun and an Actinic White to go with the other two UVL Super Actinics...

Here's some new additions...

Orange Shoulder Tang

Hammer Frags

Partial FTS to show lighting color...
Hi Mike:

It's early juvenile stage of the OS tang. Mimic Tangs typically have blue lining around the eyes and gills, while the very young OS tangs have no "orange shoulder" yet and the anal fin has a slight blue edge. They are very close though...

Orange Shoulder
