HOB Refugiums

I have a custom built one on my 46gal. I think the total volume is around 2.5 to 3gallons. It is a bit small but I like how it overflows into the tank instead of being driven to the tank a pump. It works i guess is what I am trying to say but a larger under the sump fuge would be better for nutrient export.
I've also been mulling over the best way to add a refugium. I like the HOB design, but I've already got a HOB skimmer and overflow. Wouldn't a refugium add additional stress to the tank?
yes, that is one reason why I custom made mine. I wanted it shorter and thus less weight. I also have a HOB skimmer on the tank. If you have an overflow I would just extend or tap the overflow so that it goes into another tank and that tank ether pumps into your sump or back into the tank depending how you want it all setup.
I have considered splitting the overflow into a separate tank and allowing that to drain back to my sump. That would prevent the need for additional pumps. The other thought was adding the HOB unit to my sump. Previously I had thought of doing a custom conversion to the sump itself (amiracle), but that was starting to look a bit complex and space is tight. What you suggest is probably the best and cheapest option.