holding tank questions.. need help!


In Memoriam
Okay.. here goes..

I need to break down the 55g and 32g frag tank because they are finishing up our basement on Wednesday... I just bought a 75g to use as a holding tank.. here's what I plan on doing... I will empty out both the 55g and 32g and put the LR and corals into the 75g... most of the water from 55g will go on the 75g... also, it's going to be a bare bottom for a month until I move the 75g into our apartment.. coralwise, all I have are tons of zoas, hammer, GSP, blasto wellsis, acan lords, Yumas, FL rics, and xenia... I plan on using a new 29g sump/refugium.. 1st chamber: is the skimmer & heater; 2nd chamber is probably LS from 55g; mag 7 return.. will also have 2 MaxiJet 1200 for circulation temp... I will also be using the same lighting which is the AquaPro 2 150w x 2 14 K MH; 96w x 2 actinics

here are some questions:

- will I have to worry about cycling the 75g even though I'm using most of the water and LR from the 55g?

- what parameters should I look for fluctuations?

- will my corals be okay for a month with bare bottom?

- what else should I be concern about during this transition?

any input would be greatly appreciated...

I would not reuse the sand, you dont want to stir up an anaerobic area. maybe the top inch of sand but not the bottom sand.
yup.. will only be using at most 1" of the old sand bed and top it off with new carribsea sand.. really like the size of the carribsea..
