Holy cow!! Something is blinking!!


New member
I was watching TV with my wife just now and I saw something light up in my tank. My first though was it was a reflection on the glass or something. But then I looked closer and turned off all the lights and it was still blinking! What in the heck is that!! It was small, like a 1/4" and lit up like bioluminescence. I grabbed my camera and took a short clip of it and then it moved in the rock work. Does anyone know where I can share this clip and does anyone know what it might be? I am very excited and curious!! My wife thinks it was in the shape of a small starfish!
what am I looking at, I can't tell what is lit in the video, the white speck in the upper area or the orangy red thing in the right corner...
You're wife has a potty mouth.

That's cool, dude. No idea what it is, but if you can start breeding them, you could make a mint selling them as moonlights.
dang that is COOL!!

can't tell what it is in the vid but you can tell it flashes.

wonder what it was

That's cool, dude. No idea what it is, but if you can start breeding them, you could make a mint selling them as moonlights.

I just think your fish have been saving up those little watch batteries and finnally where able to build a gill driven high powered strobe light for their partys ...

or you have something that blinks.

I like the stobe light idea better!