Rejisturd Mimbur
Alrighty. I've been slowly gathering the bits and pieces I need, to do my 150 upgrade. The tank and stand (which is unfinished) have been sitting in the garage for a few months now. So I'm talking to my wife tonight, about what we're going to spend our tax return on and she says to me, "I don't care what you have to do, or how much you have to spend, I want that d@*n thing out of the garage". So, trying to hide my total elation at the words that just rang in my head, I calmly told her, "Well hun... I'll see what I can do". I wanted to scream from a mountain top how happy I was, but I felt it wouldn't be prudent at that juncture, so after hanging up the phone, I walked out into the bay and did a happy dance, much to the amusement of my crew members. I'm sure it'll be on YouTube soon. Just thought I'd share my happy story. Build pics to come... very soon!
:bounce1::beer::celeb2::celeb1::wavehand::lol2::thumbsup::dance: My wife is awesome!