Home compressor to regulator?


New member
Im interested in making a set-up to use for cleaning the bottom of my boat. Has anyone created a setup using a "Home Depot" variety of compressors & a regulator? Is there any reason why this would not work?

Get some Scuba lessons and learn to do it safely.

Breathing compressed air without the training is very dangerous, even in the shallow water. Additionally workshop type compressers are oil lubricated and have no filtration or drying for the air. While such a rig could be made, it would provide air with oil droplets, whatever junk is floating around the compresser such as exhaust from next boat over idling at the dock and water condensation in the hoses to give you problems. All in all, it's a bad idea if you value your health.
i agree with bill... im certified and always looking for an excuse to dive... not saying id definitely drive up there, but you never know...
The hydrocarbons and junk that standard compressors put out would cause very dangerous lung injuries and possible kill you.

My 120 cf tank costs me $4 to fill and at 5 feet would last me over 3 hours. Thats a lot of boat cleaning.
To answer some questions & provide additional info:

1) Yes, I am certified.

2) No, I do not want a 15 year old to do the job. I prefer to do it myself.

3) Main objective is to be free & clear of bulky bc's & tanks.

4) A quality compressor & filtration system (Im running a Binks) should not provide any contamination (oil, particulate)

5) My compressor is 110v, not gas. Hydrocarbons?? What about a Brownies Third Lung???

Thanks for the input :)
How about
1. your certified
2. a tank rental is ???$10 at the most
3. underwater you can see the shape of your hull and thru fittings any groundings hit logs etc...
4. barnacles are itchy
5. BCs tanks shouldnt be a prob since your scraping up side down to get the most leverage
6. you said "should not contain"
7. A tank cost $10 to rent
8. just get a garden hose and breathe though that
OK sorry about the rant but what size boat???
It took me about 45 mins to do a 19 foot whaler heavily encrusted
I had to do it because "I" lost the dive ladder(I wasnt the last one out) I was just gonna beach it and call it good but the owner didnt like that idea ...
You asked about doing it with a "Home Depot" type compressor.

The answer is no you can not.

If you want to do this they make a setup for it called a hookah system. They make gas and electric compressors with filtration systems to do this.

A Home Depot compressor will have an oil lubercation system in it. Some of the oil gets past the rings and gets in the air. That is where the hydrocarbons come from.
Brownies, yes.
Home depot type, no way.
But for the $2,500 your going to spend on that I agree w/ the $15 an hour high school kid advice!
Scrubbing boats is a bummer way to spend the day IMO
Many of the fish in you guys' tanks were caught by Filipinos who use nothing more than a cheap air compressor and a plastic hose.

A Home Depot compressor and 2nd stage reg is high tech by comparison. I think it'd work fine.
Great link. It seems I can get EXACTLY what I need for under $300 (hooked to home air compressor with SERIOUS) filtration.

Its a 48 foot boat. BIG job.

No thanks with hiring some random kid to do the job (liability)

Pro firms want ridiculous $

Im sure that you are correct with crude techniques.

I will go with davocean's advice.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8969517#post8969517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RGBMatt
Many of the fish in you guys' tanks were caught by Filipinos who use nothing more than a cheap air compressor and a plastic hose.

A Home Depot compressor and 2nd stage reg is high tech by comparison. I think it'd work fine.

Those Filipino Diver's are also known for having health problems with those rigs.

BTW, Abobis, you can get a "hookah" rig from Brownie that will attach to your regular dive tank. At the depth of hull cleaning, you should be able to get a couple of hours from a standard tank. Cheaper and safer ;)
You can just add a 50' section of hose between your first and second stages for a nominal amount at most dive shops. You might even think about hitting some of the bargain dive spots like Divers Supply and have them make one w/ a cheap reg. setup.

I'm speaking from experience here, I use this rig on 90% of my commercial dive work. Not only do I do side jobs (like bottoms jobs, snagged props and zincs) but I also do Salvage work for one of the big 2 salvors in FL.

Personally I prefer my back inflate BC and tank for bottom cleaning, but for salvage work I always dive our hookah rig. We hook it to a AL 80 and I wear a weight belt w/ the hookah quick clipped to the belt. I've raised hundreds of sunken vessels w/ this very rig.

Good luck, and buying a cheap reg and adding hose will still be cheaper than a DIY HD setup.