homer1475's Biocube 29 Build Thread

Thanks Homer, Went to local ACE hardware store for some screws lo and behold they had the
elbows. So the reactor is up and running. I'm going to put GFO and carbon in it in the morning.
You don't normally have to rinse the GFO but the first few times you add fresh GFO to the tank the corals get upset since you are changing water parameters on them. They get used to it but start with less GFO the frst few weeks then the container calls for and ramp it up slowly.
Hey Homer I have one more question for you. Can you open your hood all the way open?
The way I have my reactor installed I can only open my hood only about 3/4s open.
My lid/top open all the way , the holes pivot on the elbows, or the elbows pivot on the holes?

If I turn the valve off, and pump, I only leak like a half a cup. It's only spillage from unscrewing the chamber. I just place a small tupperware container under the reactor so I don't warp the cabinet.

If you have the return line so its in the water and not just above it, it will siphon back when you unscrew the container, and you WILL take a bath.
No problem, any time, just ask away. :D

People asking questions on how to use certain equipment, or how to do something is why we start these build threads.
Haven't posted anything in a while so figured I would do an update. Nitrate levels are still super high(off the high end scale of the redsea and salifert kits), have some nopox coming, but also debating maybe carbon dosing instead.

I believe my problem is just plain over feeding. I take out the black sun coral every day to feed, then just dump the container back into the tank, if I don't my fish and shrimp steals the food right out of the corals mouth. Going to stop that and just add fresh salt water into the tank daily to replace the couple cups I take out to feed the coral.

Here's my new Florida ricordia, just as lights are coming on. After a while he's nearly double this size when fully expanded.

My crazy clown goby that just sits on my candy cane all day. Literally he just camps out there all day!
One more photo I've been trying to get.

My gorg who started out as just 2 little half inch stalks has now doubled in size and is actually starting a new branch.

From the bend up is all new, as well as the new stalk starting.
Well your sure doing something right, your tank look wonderful.
I'm hoping my new drivers arrive today, my SPS have started to brown out.
Have a great Day,
Well I have my third fish loss. :(

Got home today and my black capped basslet was stuck to the side of my mp10. kind of odd seeing as it was on the opposite side of the tank that he normally hangs out on.

This makes two of that fish that I've lost. First one died within 2 hours of being home, this one made it roughly 3 months in QT, guess maybe I'm not supposed to have one?

Meh, live and learn I guess? Foam covers are now on the wet side of the mp10's so this won't happen again, seeing as my clowns hang out really close to them.
Sorry to hear about that homer. Unfortunately, if they get stuck in the pump, it's something else that was an issue, not the pump. Almost never does a fish actually accidentally get suck in a pump intake.
Started dosing NoPox yesterday to get my nitrates under control. Oddly enough though, phosphates are under control at .02(GFO keeping it under control?). Started out at over 65ppm(everything in my tank seems to be doing well despite the high reading), lets see how well this stuff actually works, and how long it takes to get it under control.

Bought a frag of some zoas from a guy on here, and PMed someone for a couple dosing pumps. The pumps aren't needed right now, but if I can get them for fairly cheap it's a wise investment in my book(I'll need one in the future I'm sure). I'm finding that having a lot of daily tasks automated takes a lot of work out of the hobby, I can enjoy the tank more instead of seeing it as more work.

It's nice having access to the buying/trading forums now, there's some good deals on there if you look hard enough.
Yea, for better or worse, there is a lot of churn in the hobby, people coming and going, or just constantly upgrading/downgrading. Works out if you don't mind buying used.

Dosing pumps are always worthwhile. I'm tempted to pick some up locally now that they're starting to hit ~$30-40 for BRS used ones. Totally worth it, especially if/when you get consistent on nopox or vodka dosing.

The nopox should work well enough, probably within a week you'll see a difference. For what it's worth, the secret to some incredible coloration that some of the SPS guys and stores have have been attributed to their higher nitrate levels...
Not having the best of luck with fish lately.......

Flame angel I put in QT after TTM died this morning. No idea why either, he was rapidly breathing, but the six line wrasse I have in QT is doing fine? No ammonia present, plenty of bubbles, and prazipro in the QT as well as several PVC pipe pieces for him to hide in. Have absolutely no clue on this one. My only thinking was I added an extra bubble wand and was wondering if maybe he had an air bubble in his gills? Anything is possible I guess.
I dont think that tank is a great deal especially with the bottom drilled.

Homer - Some fish just go belly up. Such is life. The stress of the shipping, LFS, transport, QT, ect can be too much.
Well I just lost the six line wrasse also. :( sad day for me.....

After discussing things with my wife, she washed out the tank with dawn and tap water. She had already had water and salt in the tank when I got home the other day. Measured salinity and temp and dumped the fish in. Not making it 24 hours I'm thinking either chlorine or something in the dish soap? Both fish had long green and white stringy poop just before they died.
Sorry to hear about that x2 :(

I never use soap to wash any aquarium stuff. Just a quick rinse. They stay grungy, but the fish don't seem to mind. There's always a million reasons why this might not have worked out, but either way I'm sorry to hear about it.