homer1475's Biocube 29 Build Thread

Homer1475 your tank is looking great. Please share the photos of the
Black Sun Coral your LFS sends you.
Very nice!

I would keep the octospawn/euphyllia corals away from other corals. They can grow "attack" tentacles, which will reach out at night from the main colony, and sting the other corals downstream of it, and then go back into hiding during the day.

also, was it you, or the LFS, that glued frags to starfish shaped rock? :p
Very nice!

I would keep the octospawn/euphyllia corals away from other corals. They can grow "attack" tentacles, which will reach out at night from the main colony, and sting the other corals downstream of it, and then go back into hiding during the day.

I might be lucky but my hammer and frogspawns are pretty polite in my tank. My torch on the other hand... He attacked my one hairy mushroom to death though he is also keep my palys at bay in one area as well so cant be too mad...

also, was it you, or the LFS, that glued frags to starfish shaped rock? :p

Glad you said something HA HA
It was the LFS that has the star shaped plugs. And yes I know about sweeper tentacles, they are just there to get acclimated. I'll move them around in a couple days.
and just for BarryV, my new sun coral. Not open of course, it just went in my tank 10 minutes ago and we all know how harsh CoralRx is.

As a side note, I experienced first hand how harsh an euphyllia sting can be. With everything laying in the sand, in the front of my tank getting acclimated, and in very close proximity to each other, something knocked over my duncan and the octospawn was stinging the he*ll out of it!! Got one whole side, all shriveled up and not looking very good at all. It also got one little head on my candycane, but no where near as bad as the poor duncan. :(
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Hey thanks homer1475 for sharing the photo of you new Black Sun coral.
(Beautiful) I have been taking my BSC out of the tank every day in a bowl
and feeding it. It takes about 30min. to open. This is the same way I did with my orange
sun coral.
Thanks again for sharing,
Force Feeding

Force Feeding

Homer here is a photo of me force feeding my new BSC.
They have been in plastic bowl about 15min. and already
starting to open. I have been force feeding these for
4 or 5 days now. My stinky food is cyclops mix with reef chili.
I will continue this feeding for at least another week.


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Hi again Homer,
I just finished feeding my BSC it took just under an hour.
After one more week of this feeding they will open just fine
in my DT. Check out the photo below.


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Last Post Homer,
Now they are back in the DT. Only take a few min. and they
closed up.


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I got them to poke their heads out but wouldn't eat(reef frenzy is plenty stinky) in a tuperware container. Put them back in my DT and a couple heads opened right up, go figure. I did not know about force feeding them, thanks for the tip and links in your thread. :thumbsup:

As a side note, how are you "force" feeding them? Just let the stuff sit in the bowl with them, or actually sticking a piece of food in their mouth? I tried to manually force some food into their mouth, but it just caused them to close back up.
I got them to poke their heads out but wouldn't eat(reef frenzy is plenty stinky) in a tuperware container. Put them back in my DT and a couple heads opened right up, go figure. I did not know about force feeding them, thanks for the tip and links in your thread. :thumbsup:

As a side note, how are you "force" feeding them? Just let the stuff sit in the bowl with them, or actually sticking a piece of food in their mouth? I tried to manually force some food into their mouth, but it just caused them to close back up.

All I do is put plenty of food in the container and keep moving around
with a gravy baster.
You keep taking your BSC out for the next week or so they will all open.
Came home today from work around 5, and all the heads are out and open looking for food!! I think I'll continue tupperware feedings for another couple days anyways.

I think I may have some aiptasia though. :( looks like a couple little heads on one of my rocks. Luckily its a rock I didn't glue down, and its at the top of the pile. So on my next water change I'm going to take a better look at that rock for sure.

New Hammer:

Possible aiptasia? Clear looking anenome at the top of the rock, and just below it.
Yeah it caught my attention at the LFS from 10 feet away!! Their frag tank is 15 foot long by 2 feet high by 2 feet wide. Awesome frag tank, and it was full of different frags, most which I have never seen nor heard of(SPS's). It was the only hammer of its kind, tucked away in a corner with a slew of other green hammers. I was told it's an aussie hammer, but some of the other aussie hammers I've seen look like normal hammers, just different color.
So I have to admit, since I haven't had any fish in my DT, I haven't tested my water in over a month(everything in my tank is super happy so I wasn't worried about it), and really slacked off on water changes. I know, I know..... :blown:

So I tested it today, everything came out OK(Kalk, Alk, and Mag were within range, but very low). I could tell I haven't done a water change in a long time. The only issue was nitrates, over 64PPM(I tested it 3 times cause I couldn't believe it). So I did a 10 gallon change just now, and will do several 5 gallons for the next couple days to get them down. Guess I have been overfeeding my corals a little bit, its my only explanation for the high nitrates. I have been feeding them daily, and there is always leftover that's caught in top of the media rack. Two lessons learned though, keep up on husbandry, feed corals less. Least this lesson only costs me salt. :D
Doing great actually!!

He/She/It? comes out everyday around 5(when I've been feeding it), and is fully extended after lights out. Otherwise it's always closed up, but from what I've read that is typical for this coral. I've found mine likes it in high flow with very little light. I have it place directly in front of my mp10(roughly 6 inch's) and under a ledge where there is little light.

I'm currently on the hunt for a yellow sun coral.
Doing great actually!!

He/She/It? comes out everyday around 5(when I've been feeding it), and is fully extended after lights out. Otherwise it's always closed up, but from what I've read that is typical for this coral. I've found mine likes it in high flow with very little light. I have it place directly in front of my mp10(roughly 6 inch's) and under a ledge where there is little light.

I'm currently on the hunt for a yellow sun coral.

That's great. The yellow sun coral are not that hard to find. My local
fish store has them. Try liveaquaria they have them also.
Have a great day,