Hopefully this one is bigger



Hi. I'm new to the post. What would be a good size for a picture? Do you know how to add your own picture to the signature for your profile?
Along the lines of 500 by something.

Add it like this to your signature, without the quotes though


Very nice looking clam tank :) What size is it? Share with us your lighting and otherthings that may be of help to some of us as it looks like you have some very healthy speciments. :)

Bigger Picture of 55 G Clam Tank

Bigger Picture of 55 G Clam Tank


Sorry for not responding right away.

It is a 55 gallon Tank with built in corner overflow and a 20 G sump.

Lighting consist of 2- 175watt metal halide. Left side with a 5500K bulb and right side with a 12000K bulb. It is supplemented with a normal output actinic to simulate Dusk and Dawn effect.

About 50 lbs Fiji Live Rock and 150 lbs oolitic sand which was seeded with live sand from my other tank.

Livestock consist of the following:

2 Regal BlueTang
1 Purple Tang
1 Pacific Sailfin Tang
1 Clown Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Powder Brown Tang
8 False Percula Tang
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse
1 6-Line Wrasse
1 Bi-color Blenny
50 Blue Legged Hermits
30 Astrea Snails
1 Sand Sifting Starfish

Main Attraction Consist of:
3 Derasa's
2 Squamosa's
15 Maxima's

Water Parameters:

Salinity - 1.025
calcium - 430-475 mg/l
Alkalinity- 4-6 meq. (8-12 dkh)
Nitrate - 5-10 mg/l
Temp. 24-28 C

I use Reef Advantage for my Calcium and Reef Builder for alkalinity. Add Trace Elements 3x/week.

Do 10% water change everyweek to replenish trace elements and avoid ionic imbalance.

Started using Phytoplanton 3 months ago.