Hospital tank / cupramine questions


New member
Hello..i setup an emergency hospital tank after loosing 3 healthy fishes that i owned for almost 2 years..i believe they have velvet...slimy coat with white dots all over..DT is a 90 g with sump.

I have 3 clowns, 2 tangs, 1 lawnmower blenny that survived and are now in a 29 g hospital tank. I started today treating with cupramine. Im currently at 0.25 mg/l concentration and plan in raising it to 0.50 mg/l in two days. As of right now, the blenny and yellow tang dont seem affected by the disease..but the clowns and the hyppo tang look bad...the transfer in the HT went well and they have been in medication for about 5 hours and didnt die.

So here is my plan and questions....i plan on running cupramine for 4 weeks at the full concentration then bring the copper to 0 with carbon/WC/neutralizer then keep fish there to let the DT tank run fallow for 12 weeks...i bought prazipro as well and plan on using it after copper. I have been reefing for almost 2 years and bought a used setup, i have all the same fish since beggining so never had to treat fishes bfr...i recently changed my live rock as i was infested with mush and bought live rock from a really clean setup..i think the stress of changing the rock caused the outbreak on my fishes and either ich or velvet which was dormant just wiped some if my fishes....



1-Since i set up urgently the 29g, its not cycled..i used water from my DT to fill it up while doing a water change...How often and when should i do water changes in the HT (i have one of the sticky thing to monitor ammonia)

2-Since my DT is obviously infested with parasites, is it a good idea to take water from it when i change water of my HT? Since i add cupramine to 0.5mg/l in HT will it kill the parasites right away in the "new" water from the DT or will it lower the meds efficiency?

3-is it even possible to go 12 weeks in an uncycled HT? Will i have to do daily WC?

4-is my plan good? Any inputs?

Crappy pics but you can see dotting and pale colour on my clowns

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I would give formalin baths just in case it is Brooklynella.

Unfortunately the sick fish are already in the hospital tank. It would needed to be emptied and sterilized so the fish don't get re-infected.

Though the fish look indeed more like infested with Brooklynella than Amyloodinium. I would give them a formalin bath anyway, just to see if it brings any improvement. If it does I would change course and start treating against Brooklynella for real = daily formalin bath followed by a tank transfer for 5 days.

Just as an FYI: copper doesn't do anything against Brooklynella, and against Amyloodinium Chloroquine Phosphate is a more effective treatment (unless you have pipefish or seahorses and certain wrasses).
You had better do something quickly. They look terrible. I would do daily tank transfers in 5 gallon buckets with some formalin baths in between. I'm not sure how many. Hopefully they will pull through, but it's tough when it gets that advanced.
Alright quick update...i lost the clowns, the blenny approximately a day after they were introduced to the hospital tank...i could not find i read as much as i could and did what i could with the remaining fishes...i did fresh water dip and kept copper concentratrion at 0.50mg/l since beggining..i changed 5 gallons of water pretty much everyday. As of right now, i have the hyppo tang and the yellow tang surviving. They are not showing any signs of illness hyppo tang eats well but not the yellow tang...i think it was velvet since the freshwater dips and cupramine seem to have helped at least 2 fishes....

I tried frozen mysis, grazers, nori and pellets, no luck with the yellow tank..hopefully he wont let himself starve....

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