Hot house Inland Empire


Team RC
Over the weekend it has been over 105 degrees, the A/C is out so my house has been 85 degrees, and at 6AM 81 degrees.
Right now it is 75 degrees outside and my house is still 85 degrees :smokin:
I have a 120 gallon tank and another 25 gallon tank,
How much heat does a tank put off? The windows have been opened since 5 PM. This is a single story house, tile roof. Dual pane windows. Blinds always closed.

My humidity is usually about 20% over outside, so anywhere between 30 and 55 percent.
When my A/C did work yeah 3 year old system. It would come on and then off and then right back on, so basically set a temp and leave it 24 hors a day.

Any thoughts? Thanks
Over the weekend it has been over 105 degrees, the A/C is out so my house has been 85 degrees, and at 6AM 81 degrees.

Right now it is 75 degrees outside and my house is still 85 degrees :smokin:

I have a 120 gallon tank and another 25 gallon tank,

How much heat does a tank put off? The windows have been opened since 5 PM. This is a single story house, tile roof. Dual pane windows. Blinds always closed.

My humidity is usually about 20% over outside, so anywhere between 30 and 55 percent.

When my A/C did work yeah 3 year old system. It would come on and then off and then right back on, so basically set a temp and leave it 24 hors a day.

Any thoughts? Thanks
This is just the beginning of the heat.. summer hasn't officially started yet, I have the ac temp automated. I have the house temp at 75 n tank runs close to 80. I had to add a fan to keep it at around 79. I can't imagine running a tank without ac or a chiller. My suggestion would be to either fix the house ac or have a chiller on hand as backup. If you haven't, c if I fan will help.

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Depends upon your lighting, but usually a chiller or a fan over the tank will be needed to keep the temp within acceptable ranges. A six-inch, clip on fan will lower the tank temp a couple of degrees over ambient, and oftentimes, that's enough.

I have to wait until next Weds for the A/C guy to get here. It hit 103 today, the house dropped to 84 at 10 PM
When the A/C works I never have a heat issue with the tank. No A/C everything hot. Prior to the heat wave we did not have an issue with the temp in the house. We have 4 fans going in the family room.

I am only running a Reef Brite single led fixture right now. DC return pump, the tank is 83.
I have to wait until next Weds for the A/C guy to get here. It hit 103 today, the house dropped to 84 at 10 PM
When the A/C works I never have a heat issue with the tank. No A/C everything hot. Prior to the heat wave we did not have an issue with the temp in the house. We have 4 fans going in the family room.

I am only running a Reef Brite single led fixture right now. DC return pump, the tank is 83.

Put a fan blowing across the tank or the sump. You won't be sorry.

My tank hit 84.7 today.. hot.. prob giving out a ton of heat too
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Depending on your square footage, maybe consider getting a portable ac unit off craigslist or the like, just to tie you over. Might require you to close off portions of the house so it can keep up. I'm sure you wouldn't have an issue reselling it after your ac is back online. Weve been winging it with 3 portable ac units for the past few years, as we dont want to install an hvac system only to have to rip it out when we add on, but it beats suffering..
I got 4 of these on my 120. 2 on the tank and 2 on the sump. The fans on the tank come on at 77 degrees and the sump fans come on if the water reaches 78 degrees. The sump fans rarely come on. Im in Riverside too but I've been running my AC and keeping the temp around 80 in the house.

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Another thing you can do is run a reverse light cycle. I did this years ago before we had central air and i was running an 8bulb t5 setup. Lights came on at 8pm and turned off at 5am.

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I think the OP wants to focus on the tank making the HOUSE hot and not the temp issues with the tank.
Over the weekend it has been over 105 degrees, the A/C is out so my house has been 85 degrees, and at 6AM 81 degrees.
Right now it is 75 degrees outside and my house is still 85 degrees :smokin:
I have a 120 gallon tank and another 25 gallon tank,
How much heat does a tank put off?

To answer you question, it can be significant. I would say 3 to 6 degrees is probably average. It really depends on the equipment your using. Think of every pump in your tank as a heater. This is why I am very fussy about how many watts each uses and get the most efficient I can afford. External pumps tend to heat the air more than the water depending on their design. Lights are another big source of heat. While LEDs don't hear the tank as much as other lights the heat sinks give off a fair bit of heat. Every power supply and/or wall wart you have is also producing heat.
One thing to check, is to make sure your heaters are not staying on higher then you think. If you do not have them on a good controller the temp they shut off at can change over time and vary a few degrees each time the turn off.
I don't recall exactly how much, but my tank is a bit hotter than the house most of the time. 1-2 degrees if I recall. Adding the heat from lights, power supplies and external equipment I would guess my tank increases the temp in the room it is in 2-4 degrees, probably 5-6 while the fans over my sump are on.
I picked up two clip on fans from HD for $10 each. Currently blowing on DT for 12 hours. I also switched out my old eheim heaters for heaters that autos at 78 degrees.
Ding Ding Ding We got a winner

Ding Ding Ding We got a winner

I think the OP wants to focus on the tank making the HOUSE hot and not the temp issues with the tank.

So my house was 85 degrees when it was 113 degrees outside'
Then it was 85 degrees when it was 103 degrees.
When I was at Lowes it was 75 degrees outside my house was 85 degrees.:headwally::headwally::headwally::headwally: Yeah I lost it.
It is 70 degrees out side right now and my house is 79.

But seriously I would like to says thanks to everyone that chimed in, good information here on heat management. I have bought two small clip on fans for my tank, that has worked good, I have 3 fans going inside the family room.

So I ordered a 250 gallon tank from Crystal Dynamic so is my house going to go up to 90 degrees? My house is usually about 30% higher in humidity, in the IE it can runs from about 10% to about 50% in August.

I have an A/C guy coming over on next Weds, so hopefully he can fix it. Once July 4 hits in the IE we are off to the races 93 to 113 on the average.