Houdini Fish


Active member
Dont you hate it when a fish pulls a Houdini
last night I had 2 bangaii cardinals both of them healthy and eating wonderful
this morning poof disipearing fish only have 1 cant find a body....
When mine did that they ended up in the overflow. One got all the way down to the filter sock at the end of the drain pipe. Both of them are back in the main tank and the overflow has been covered.

If the cardinal was small he may have been able to fit through the slots in the drain pipe in the overflow.

I hope you find him.

I hate when that happens. I've found six-lines and neon gobies in my sump before. My last six-line vanished and I found him later behind the tank in a ball of dog fur. My "Mystery Wrasse" was a yellow Coris about 4 inches long, with beautiful green and orange markings on its face. It vanished one day without a trace... still don't know what happened to that one. One I did find was a bullet goby. It died of some abdominal ailment and bristleworms were making short work of it. It's nature's recycling in action.