Firstly, let me start with a recent FTS
FTS 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
As you can see, not a huge amount has happened visually since I last posted an FTS, but theres been a fair amount going on in the background.
I've had issues with my ATi Powermodule since it was purchased a few months ago, but I'm now hopeful that those issues are behind me.
The original light was replaced for a brand new unit after it came back damaged from the distributor, however, the new light came and there was a significant crease right on the curve on the front panel. To cut a long story short, the UK distributor said either live with it, or send it back for a refund - which is a decent option, but if I wanted to stick with an ATi fixture, I would have to risk ordering through them again or go directly to ATi. So I went straight to ATi with my request and concerns, and spoke to a guy called Tristan who has been really helpful on the few occasions that I've emailed him. My request was simply for a new front panel rather than a brand new light, which ATi willingly helped with and I have it sat here with me now - ready for the swap. So a big thanks to ATi on this occasion I think.
That leads me on to a change in my tube combination going forward. I was hugely influenced by Andrews 'a Reef in the Sky' build, which happens to be my all time favourite build, so I went with a similar combo to what he used to run, which is
Blue +
AquaBlue Special
Blue +
AquaBlue Special
Blue +
AquaBlue Special
Blue +
Its a really white look, but thats the aim of the game for me, and already my SPS are responding well for the most part after only a few weeks.
I have finally taken the plunge and ordered my self a controller!
I seem to have reached a stage in the tanks life where things are falling into place, and stability is becoming a high priority now that the lights are stable, temperature is stable, nutrient levels are stable, along with the elemental levels that I can test for. So it just makes sense to back that stability up with a controller that can monitor and control the vital things that my livestock depend on, so I have ordered a GHL Mega set in white - which should hopefully be here in a few weeks (as my luck would have it, the store had the black in stock, but not the white!). This also gives me the chance to design and rebuild my electrics cabinet into something that is more like what I'm used to, and not a spaghetti mess, with cheap plug timers, and dodgy power bars.
Not a lot has changed on the livestock front, seeing as I'm trying to concentrate on the basic maintenance and running of the tank, but hopefully that will all change soon once I get that out of the way and concentrate on stocking more.
As it stands the fish are all doing really well. Eating anything and everything I give them, all looking super healthy and getting along nicely. I have some concerns with my Valenciennea longipinnis as his stomach seems to be a bit recesses, so I'm hoping to get him back to being plump, as I know all too well how they can decline once their food source thins out. He will be the last Valenciennea i'll risk if the worst happens, I've lost a few now due to them starving.
My Pygoplites diacanthus decided that he loves LPS so both my Lobo and Acans have been banished to the sump and my LFS, so I am definitely SPS only from now on!
On the coral front, I can't complain, somethings are doing really well, others are getting there, but for the most part, health, colour, and growth are decent, and I expect that only to get better as they settle under the new tube combination.
I love this system more and more as the tank progresses. I am really starting to see differences in my corals now, especially colour, and especially under the whiter spectrum.
I continue to dose the basic setup, so ZEO stones, Carbon, ZEOstart3, and ZEObak + Coral Snow which are all doing me well so far but I am noticing a few corals are getting a little too pale, so have recently introduced Amino Acids Concentrate in the hope to feed them more and bring some richness back into their tone. The automatic reactor is amazing and a real godsend, I just need to get the ZEOstart3 onto my doser and have that automated too. So far, very impressed, and long may that continue!
Enough talking for now, here are some recent pictures of the stock:
Stylophora Pistillata Pink Green 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora Red Planet 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora Millepora Green 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora Millepora Blue 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora New Green 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora Tenius Blue 1 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora Tenius 2 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora Tenius Frag 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr
Acropora Hyacinthus 27-6-17 by
Andy, on Flickr