How are your frags from the last meeting doing?


Premium Member
I'm really enjoying this tiny frag of Mycedium coral that I got. I didn't know what it was and had no idea what to expect so was delighted to see two very bright green bumps develop on it with another beginning.

How is everyone else doing with their new adoptions at the meeting?

Sanford, is the green sarco baby doing well?

Who got the chunk of my green hydnophora? Is it putting polyps out and behaving?

How about the blue tort? I hope those frags made it.

And that tiny piece of green pocillapora?

Just wondering how my babies are doing out in their new homes and how the other swapped frags are surviving. That was a fun meeting .... we should make this an annual event. We need to space it out long enough that Barrett forgets how stressful if was to him. ;)
Hey Cathy! My daughter, Carmen, won the Hydonophora, it seems to be doing well, putting out some polyps, but not all over it yet, seems to be getting better nearly every day. I also got a Hammer that is doing very well, and a very small Montipora that is doing well, the only thing that I think is not going to make it is small zoo. I'm loving it, and yes it was a lot of fun.
Oh that's right! I remember now.

Glad to hear he's coming along. He was just under PCs for me, so if you have stronger lights it may take him a little longer to adjust. It also seems to like a little current ... just enough to blow the polyps gently.

Good luck and enjoy.
Both my GSP are open and look good, the red mushroom seems to be doing ok, thinking the blue tort needed lots of light I put it on top of my rocks in the 12G nano where the end bleached in about a day. It is now on the sand and seems to be doing better. I am hoping it makes it. Not really sure what it is supposed to look like though. So far I havent seen any polyps extended.
Your Leather looks awesome! It started extending all its polyps by day 2. I too love the Mycedium it is such a unusual looking coral and is doing great. The blue tort did lighten up (in the brown areas) but is extending polyps now. The green pocillapora started extending its polyps almost as soon as I placed it in the water. This coral almost looks like a Seriatopora hystrix with its sharp points. Who brought this coral? I will try and post pics tonight of them.
so far all of mine are doing great with the exception of a mushroom...just can't get that thing to attach. I have it netted to a piece of rubble waiting for magic. It extends but just won't grab on. I did have a tiny tiny piece of something ..not sure what it was since it was so tiny and it went missing. It fell off the plug it was on down into my rocks so maybe someday it will show back up.That emerald crab has been doing unwanted rock scaping too. I knew there was another reason I did not really want to have another big emerald. I will get over to Hobby Town or where ever and pick up some of the glue Barrett was using and see if I can glue down the rocks with livestock so he can't do so much harm. Some of my polyps get a nightly ride to the bottom of the tank. Either that or if I can catch him , I will bring him to the next meeting and someone else can have him.I think he just needs a bigger space to roam .
Thanks to everyone that brought frags to share ..
I brought the pocillapora and it may actually be a green seriatapora (Is there such a thin?). I'll try to get a pic of the mother colony, but yes ... the shape of it looks just like birdsnest. When its really happy and has all the polyps out, its fluffier than a birdsnest like a pocillapora would be.

I honestly am not sure what it is.

Both this one and the blue tort have been in my 24 gallon under 150 MH middle to low in the tank.
Don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but I was wondering about what conditions your mycedium are in (lighting, flow, etc).

I've had some for 6 months that hasn't grown at all under my PC, and I could move it to a shady part of a MH tank if it would help. What have yours done well with?
I've only had it for a couple weeks. It was a tiny frag of all red, no spots when I got it. It's no bigger, really but has sprouted 2 to the beginning of 3 bright green spots.

I have it under 150 w MH in the bottom 3rd of the tank with medium flow.