How do I propogate a Rhodactis Shroom


Premium Member
I have three rhodactis shrooms that I love. They are orange and turn really bright orange under actinics. Can I just cut them in two like any other mushroom? Or is there some special treatment that is needed to avoid killing them?
I really don't want to lose them, and they are rather slow growers. Thanks if you can help me out.

Oh yeah, and here's the eye candy.



And here's my blue shroom.


And here's my red discosomas.


I actually wasn't gonna post these, but since this is the mushroom coral forum, I thought what the heck.

Thanks for the help!
Slice them like any other shroom.

The hard part is getting them to attach (if you want to make a frag to give to some one), but if you just want more on the same rock, it's easy. Just slice across it in halves or fourths, and you're done.
That is a beautiful rhodactis. You can just cut it in two like any other mushroom, although I find rhodactis are harder to frag. If you just cut it in half on the rock then it may heal back together and the short thick stems they have make it hard to cut at the stem. I would try to cut it at the stem, the stem will form a new mushroom and the one you cut off can be attached to a new rock.
Try to get a piece of the mouth on each section, but it isn't necessary. It will help the pieces heal faster.

When I fragged my rhodactis, the small segments of the foot that were left behind on the rock grew into whole new corals.

The same was true of ricordea and discosoma.

They're pretty hard to destroy.
Thanks guys. I just wasn't sure if they would behave the same. They are a pretty rare type that i haven't seen before. So I was really interested in splitting them. I'd like a whole colony.
As far as I know they aren't toxic and you can cut them just like other mushrooms, they just take a little longer to heal up.

Zoas on the other had you have to be really careful with.
i have green ones like yours and like minipolyp said they have short fat stems so i just cut them in half on the rock and let them move apart on their need to cut them well or they grow right back together.also a little current helps keep them from growing back together.