How do I?


New member
How do I get the classic wavemaker movement? I have two 6100's which plugs on the multicontroller do I use? What kind of other wave effects can I do? Thanks WW
Two modes could be used. If you use sockets 8 and 10 and use pulse mode- middle switch setting you can set the pumps to pulse in unison, a surge effect. This would done by setting Chanel ones top knob at 100% and bottom knob to say 50% and then miroring that on Channel 2. The pulse would be set as you wich, I generally find something like 3-4seconds most effective. In night mode both pumps switch to the lower knob setting of 50%. Alternatively- and this my preferred- you could run the Channel two opposite so that while channel 1 is at 100% channel 2 is at 50% and vice versa. Then they take turns and the flow is more random. You could also use tide mode- top switch setting. To do this you use Socket 8 and 11. The LED over interval will come on. You can now switch to an interval length and use the knob to adjust within that interval length. At that setting say every 6 hours, pump in socket 8 will turn off and pump in 11 will come on. A warning about tide mode. Every broken propeller or drive shaft I have ever seen occured in Tide Mode. You would be amazed at the number of small animals particularly stomatid snails that will enter the pumps and upon the hard impact of the propeller- it is broken. If you know you have stuff like mantis shrimps, stomatid snails and fuzzy bear crabs, you might avoid this mode.

sorry to jump on an old thread, but I was wondering if it was possible to have two streams at opposite ends of the tank with one at 100%, the other at 30% and for them to switch after, say, 6 hours. This would prevent the problemn with animals or propellers getting killed. I can't work out how it would be possible, but surely it would be a very desirable option to have?

