How do SPS eat? Anatomy question


New member
What I really wanna know is how I can tell, or if there is a way I can tell if my SPS are in fact ingesting anything. With an LPS, you see it react directly to the food, tighten up, take it in, retract or whatever. Now, I DO see polyp extensions shortly after introducing zooplanton or some kind of food for my SPS, but than that's it. I tried keeping an eye on a small section of my montipora to watch and see if I see polyps going in and out, or retracting, I see nothing. I have always pictured them just being scaled down version of a hammer or torch, with a mouth that the polyp would close up around ingesting the food before extending again to catch another prey item. Is this wrong? Do they simply absorb particle through pores or something?
Anybody out there good at coral anatomy and physiology? Thanks!!
They're filter feeders and are constantly ingesting and expelling water after they retain the nutrients that they're consuming.
I know that much, but that's more of "what" they are doing. I want to know "how" they are doing it. Can they do all that without the polyps moving?
How do SPS eat? Anatomy question

I know that much, but that's more of "what" they are doing. I want to know "how" they are doing it. Can they do all that without the polyps moving?

No they can not, see the following video .
