How do u manage to feed your Rics, rhodactis?


HI all

So after reading on here that regular feeding of Rics and other shrooms encourages them to split i decided to try it. WHAT A WASTE OF MY TIME!
I turned of ALL flow in my tank, return pump included and tried feeding brinshrimp. Almost all of the brine shrimp that i tried feeding floated of the rics, Very little actually got to the shroom. only 2 out of maybe 12 got food and closed up:mad2:
I tried feeding by sucking the brineshrimp up with a syringe and squirted the food on the shroom only to see it float away.
Could 1 feed pellets or flakes or can you please advise me wht to do?
when I had the rhodactis. I dropped a pellet on it and it close up to swallow it (provided my shrimps and crabs dont take it first)... Im having problem w/ my ricordea though, it wont take large food but if I drop in a mixture of reef-roid and other small particle food, it will close up after a while to eat I assume.

Or if you want it to "split"... cut it
Imo overall water quality and lighting contributes way more than feeding ever will. Feeding shrooms is a waste of time if you ask me since 95 percent of the food floates off and contributes to nitrates it actually hinders growth. Lighting is very important since many are sensative to too much and too little light and will not split if either aren't in line. If these 2 conditions alone are rite one head should produce around 2-5 new heads average per year. Just my opinion and nothing more
Great stuff Ron, can you please advise me on what you reccommend on lighting, flow and water quality for great mushroom production? I am in the process of upgrading to a 51*27,5W*21,6H tank
Thx. In my tank which is a 37 column tank, a year ago I switched from 120w power compact to 150w metal halide supplemented with a 40w actinic. When I switched I noticed some serious changes over a 3 month period. Everything exploded with growth especially my rics. At first I had them mid tank and could tell since they weren't fully expanding that the light was too much so I moved all shrooms to the bottom of the tank. A year ago I had 6 heads of different colored rics. Now if you count fully split heads I have about 20 individual heads with about 25-30 mouths. What kind of lighting are you using
i have currently 384W of T5 in my current tank which is 24 high with the shrooms at the bottom as on the top i have sps and there is LOTSA flow at the top
Actually I was just figuring it out and I did the switch 9 mos ago since I just recalled replacing the bulb 3 mos ago so I've had all that growth in only 9 mos.
Imo the bigger they open the more they will produce for you. That's a ton of light. If I were you I'd put them in a 60 percent shaded area where they get the majority of there light reflected off the glass to start and see how they react over a 2-3 week period. They are relatively hardy imo so any mistakes can be fixed relatively easily if they react adversely.
its all cheapy bulbs and all of them really expand fully when the lights come on. I have no shaded areas but will try and make a plan