How does the Tunze Wavebox work with an Overflow?


The Buff Reefer
Premium Member
Maybe this belongs in the "hardware" forum, but I'm not sure... I'm curious about the Tunze Wavebox and its use with an overflow box.

I was recently watching the video that everybody has undoubtedly seen (click here if you don't know what I'm talking about) showing the wavebox in action. I was starting to think how it would work on the new system that I'm designing, and thought... "If I need to leave a few inches at the top of the tank for the waves, how will water enter the overflow and get to my sump/fuge?"

Any ideas? I don't know if these are available to the public yet, but if they are, I would appreciate it if people who have used them would chime in.

My thoughts... either we put the overflow box lower (possibly killing the wave action of the wavebox) or we leave the overflow where it is and water only enters the overflow when the wave passes.

Okay, let the discussion begin.

WOW, that looks awesome as hell. I bet you probably wont have to change anything with the overflows. You probably wouldnt even need to lower the water level either. Just add a lip around the inside of the tank to keep the water from spilling out, the over flow would work the same. Ever see those large swimming pools that have a ridge all the way around with drain slots. Waves from people swimming cause the water to go over the edge into the drain. Anyhow- WHERE AND HOW MUCH???
Wow that looks like a mess waiting to happen. One would think that that would put a ton of extra strain on a tank.
According to roger (rvitko) the overflows still work fine. They have also noticed no problems due to stress.

There is quite a bit of discussion about them over at the tunze forum (under sponsor forums). They are supposed to be released this week, however I believe that all of the ones on the first shipment are already accounted for.
Hey, thanks LowCel... I don't want to get one right now, anyhow, as I'm always the type to let something be out for a few months before I buy it. I let other people be the test dummies.

I didn't think about posting it there... perhaps I'll ask a mod to move it there.

Yes, the first units arrive Monday and the US is actually the first to get them. Keep in mind the film is of Interzoo and that tank was built of a shape that would exaggerate the possibilities and the pump was slightly hopped up. In the real world you will likely only have a wave of 1/2-3/4" high in most aquaria and you can control this and yes, it does work with overflows. It also does stress the tank and should absolutely not be used on poorly built or old aquariums, we approixmate a 10% loss of life time of the aquarium. If you have overflows, a Durso pipe is a good idea to help silence the noise of splash, if the flow through the sump is near the limits of the overflow you may have a problem and it would not be a good addition. If you use a hang on overflow it should be center mounted.
Okay, Roger, thanks for the answer... now I have another question. Let's say I have a wavebox on my tank, and my return line comes out of the sump, through a SCWD, into the tank. Will the wave-like motion of the return kill/offset the motion from the wavebox? Would it just be better to have a constant return and have the wavebox be the only source of changing current?

Thanks again for the response.

not sure if it was mentioned before. but if you add the box in the center of the tank where the change in water level is less would help. IMO i think i can live without one....
LowCel said:
They have also noticed no problems due to stress.

Originally posted by rvitko
It also does stress the tank and should absolutely not be used on poorly built or old aquariums, we approixmate a 10% loss of life time of the aquarium.

Oops....sorry about that. At least I think I was pretty close on the rest. :( Thanks for correcting me Roger.
The wavebox would likely not be affected by a Sea Swirl. It would be affected by a large closed loop or Stream blowing across the wave. It needs to be used with a linear flow device but the ideal is to have a cross flow when the wavebox is off and a flow in the same direction when it is on. The ideal is to use it with a multicontroller and a couple Streams which it can be coordinated with.
rvitko said:
It would be affected by a large closed loop or Stream blowing across the wave.
Hi Roger,
This statement is of some concern to me.
The current circulation of my tank is here (minus the wave box).
The red boxes indicate sea swirls in operation and the green box is where another sea swirl will be going as soon as I find the time to install it.


They are 1" sea swirls and put out some flow.
However, I do not use 90 degree elbows to shoot the flow, uselessly, across the top of my corals.
Instead, I use 45 degree bends on the outlets so the corals get some direct flow.

In all honesty, do you feel that this cross flow would effect the the performance of the wavebox?

I can quite easily replumb the sea swirls to get this configuration:


Do you feel it would be a better way to go?

Finally, ;) , I have a Tunze 6100 stream with a multicontroller, currently new in the box waiting for me to figure out the best way to apply it.
I plan on getting another 6100 or even a 6200 and run them in the tank as well.
Yes I know it may be overkill...but why not. :D
Where would you recommend me placing the streams in this set up.

I am concerned about getting corals flow from the front to the back as well.
Hey Sean,

The wave is slightly muted by a cross current, that is all. It is just a little less effective. What we have found the ideal to be is a Stream on each side and the wavebox on one side. The wavebox and streams are run off a multicontroller on tide mode such that the Stream that is on the same side as the wavebox runs with the wavebox, on the opposite side the stream runs alone and this is at 6hr intervals. I don't know the effect of the seaswirls they are a bit more focused and a lot less flow than the Streams- maybe 800-1000gph. I don't expect they will have a really dramatic effect. I might suggest holding off adding any more though until you fire up the Streams and the wavebox.
Hey Roger,
Thanks for the reply. :)
I was thinking that since the wavebox has a night mode I could run the sea swirls labeled 1, 2, & 3 during the time the wavebox is on and the sea swirls labeled 4, 5, & 6 on a closed loop when the wave box is in night mode.


How does that sound?

1 and 2 would cause the most interference so I would probably reverse that idea. Are the pumps on solenoids or how do you control them as you suggest?
3 of the sea swirls are on an Ampmaster 6300, which is my return pump.
The other 3 are on a closed loop pump which I will just add a timer to.
I was under the impression that in the post I quoted you were meaning that the wave could be disrupted by flow going across the wave.
From back of tank to front.

So it is flow meeting the wave head on that is the problem then?
Last time I bother :D

Here is what I have come up with.
Do you think that this will allow me to take advantage of the wave box to its fullest potential, especially in regards to the other schemes?
