Iam new to sps. I just maneged to get some wild cought frags which are pink with blue tip. I attached couple of them on a piece of rock( super glue) and the others are just placed in rock holes(unattached). How long does does it take to see new growth?
I dose kalk every 2 days. water parameters NH3= zero, No2= zero, Po4 =zero, No3 =zero, Ph= 8.2 . Tempreture 26C ( chiller).
2 x Seio1100, 1 hagen 402.
They are under 2x150w 12k MH at the moment. Also, would the unattached acro grow? or "should" I attach them to see some growth?
I dose kalk every 2 days. water parameters NH3= zero, No2= zero, Po4 =zero, No3 =zero, Ph= 8.2 . Tempreture 26C ( chiller).
2 x Seio1100, 1 hagen 402.
They are under 2x150w 12k MH at the moment. Also, would the unattached acro grow? or "should" I attach them to see some growth?