How long befor I see some growth?


New member
Iam new to sps. I just maneged to get some wild cought frags which are pink with blue tip. I attached couple of them on a piece of rock( super glue) and the others are just placed in rock holes(unattached). How long does does it take to see new growth?
I dose kalk every 2 days. water parameters NH3= zero, No2= zero, Po4 =zero, No3 =zero, Ph= 8.2 . Tempreture 26C ( chiller).
2 x Seio1100, 1 hagen 402.

They are under 2x150w 12k MH at the moment. Also, would the unattached acro grow? or "should" I attach them to see some growth?


It's really hard to say how fast you will see growth because of many factors. Two things I didn't see you list are your Alkalinity and Calcium levels. Those are going to be very important to the the health of your SPS. They are also going to be important in regards to growth. I see you dose Kalk, but you should look into daily additions to keep your levels balanced. If you ca and alk fall kalk won't really bring them back up. Kalk is good for keeping your ca and alk stable. The frags should be fine in the holes of the rocks.
Also different SPS grow at different rates.. I've got many types of SPS and some grow MUCH quicker than others.

Good luck!
Also, wild-caught acros tend to be more difficult to grow and, when they do grow, grow slower.

New to SPS huh???? hmmm...

You know I've got these REALLY RARE pure white SPS and the coolest part is they don't have any of those annoying polyps all over them!! I'll sell em to you for a special price!!! :lol: They are super easy to ship too.. Don't even need water!!

(the sad thing is a guy tried to pull that at an LFS around here)


Please add me to your 2006 waiting list. I am looking for the kind that have the red bugs on them, like ornaments on a Christmas tree.
put me on the list too!!! i am specifically looking for those weird flat things that look like floating magic carpets.... i've heard they are so neat to watch!!!!
Are you feeding?

I am new to SPS myself, but it sounds to me like some feeding is important.

I am planning on using DTs as well as cyclo-pees (sp?) also.
Ca 400-420 ppm Alk 6 dkh. I feed freezed dried cyclop-eez evey now and then.....So no one could tell!!! I guess I will watch and see.

cweg, you are not trying to sell me dead stuff are you ? :D
bump the alk up. Minimum 7, max 11 or so....

Realistically, it could be months before you see "growth". They'll usually encrust around the base before showing any signs of vertical growth.
Hmm, I'm pretty new to sps too, but I'll tell you what I have noticed in about a month and 2 weeks. I bought a very small green digitatta at a frag swap back in the middle of January. It is now the end of February and it has more than doubled in size. I've been told it's a fast grower though. It's hard to compare size in the pictures b/c they are taken from different angles and distances. Just look at the size difference of the coral compared to the piece of rock/putty it's glued to.


end of Feb:

I also got a pink/green acro and it has grown a little, but it's hard to tell. I'd say roughly an ~inch.

Also the 2nd picture is way dark b/c I didn't use a tripod and the wrong exposure, but you get the idea. Notice teh totally bleached out acro in the first pic. It has also grown a lot and colored up nicely...
cweg, you are not trying to sell me dead stuff are you ?

Dead stuff?? I try not to think of it that way. I think of it as WHITE stuff!! Totally different!!! Oh come on man its all the rage in Europe!! Kinda like David Hasselhoff :lol: