How long can I keep Tunze 6105 dry?


A Reef Enthusiast

I don't have my medium size anymore but have a few Tunze 6105 powerheads left. They are relatively new and working great. I want to keep them for my next tank when I come back to the hobby. I was wondering how long can I keep them dry for? Would anything in them go bad if I keep them dry for a few years?

It should be fine with the following cautions:

Clean them very well, leave no salt or mineral deposits on them, this includes full disassembly so the drive unit and inner well it rests in are clean. This won't ruin them but what tends to happen is months or years later people try to restart them and the dried minerals have seized them and that can damage them.

Do not store them in a hot attic where heat or in a garage where a lot of solvent fumes could damage them. I have seen cases where a pump was stored next to PVC glue and it spilled or the fumes literally dissolved the cable.