How long your co2 tank last?


I think my co2 tank drains to fast on my calcium reactor. I have a 500gallons system and I'm using 20lb co2 tank on my calsium reactor.
My display tank dosent need much alk and cal. So I'm only using 11ml/minute drip. And ph is set at 6.5 in reactor. I have just refilled co2 tank a month ago and now its empty. I think I have a leak somewhere in my gauge/lines...

How long your co2 tank last before refill?
I was going thru a cylinder a month to 6 weeks on my 450g. Switched back to dosing

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On my 180 I have my reactor set to one bubble every 3 seconds. My 20 pound tank easily lasts 9 months. I'd say you have a leak. Soapy water in a spray bottle will find a leak. Spray all the joints and look for bubbles. I had a leak on one of my regulator gauges on my kegerator that's was casing me to go through a 20 pound tank a month. Teflon thread tape fixed that problem.
Thank you all for replying. My regulator is old, probably like 10 years old. ordered new one. Dont know if it was my problem.
with an aquarium plants regulator it lasted alot longer for me.... small 5 lb tank lasted about 8-9 months on a full tank packed with coral.