How many cubes of mysis should i feed?

Katie G

New member
How many cubes of food should I feed it I have:
"¢2 percula clowns
"¢melanarus wrasse
"¢kole tang
"¢lawnmower blenny
"¢banji cardinal
"¢green spotted mandarin (eating frozen)
"¢scotter blenny(eating frozen)
"¢golden headed sleeper goby
What size tank do you have? I would think 1 cube/most of one cube daily would be enough. It depends if your bottom dwelling fish have a chance to get enough food or not I guess.
I think as long as you have a few snails & hermit crabs, I'd try 1/2 a cube & watch to see if it gets all eaten, then go from there!
Just monitor how much is left after about 20 mins and then your nitrate levels after a little while. Too much and you'll see excess of both