How many serial devices?


How many serial devices can be connected to the Profilux? So far I have an SMS unit, but was hoping to add AquaIllumination control. Is this possible? Also, it seems the Profilux View II has a serial port connection. If users wanted to use two or more of these products, is there a solution? I couldn't find a serial port add-in card ...
So I can attach AI control cable to the SMS as a sort of daisy chain? My need will be to control Aquaillumination lights in addition to the SMS. Or will I have to wait for the PLM-RS232? I found that part number just now trying to search for "RS232" and "profilux". The thread where you describe the cards being due in May 2009 is old, though, and I guess other factors (PIII development???) may have pushed at least that card off for now. Any idea when that card will be due, especially if I do need it?

Thanks Michael ...
The Ai requires the use of PLM-RS232 which has now been released.

We will have them in stock at the end of November