How much heat does your tank give off?

Excellent heat :) Both my tanks(130 gal of water and 95 gal) are 80-83 and I have not had to run the heat in my house all winter. Yes I am in FL but we have been in the mid 30s every night for the last week. I wear shorts too and am not bundled up.
When I lived in Minnesota the 180 was in a 13X26 room that was our bedroom. Ambient temp was 4 to 5 degrees warmer than the rest of the house in the winter.

And yes the Mrs liked having a warm bedroom in the winter in Minnesota ......
No one has touched on the actual heat loss of the room in question, and what the desired/set for ambient temp of the room is. Both of these will affect the calculations.
If the question is: How much heat does the tank generate? This is fairly simple as others have stated - just add up the total watts, and if you want, convert to BTU. It's not EXACT (some light might escape as light, and other tiny effects...), but close enough.

Calculating how much the tank actually changes the temperature of the room is a much more complicated question that is almost certainly different for all of us since our rooms are all different.
Excellent heat :) Both my tanks(130 gal of water and 95 gal) are 80-83 and I have not had to run the heat in my house all winter. Yes I am in FL but we have been in the mid 30s every night for the last week. I wear shorts too and am not bundled up.

are you not just heating the room(s) with your electric heaters in your tank/sump? i prefer to keep my room as hot as i can stand during the winter, using my central heating powered by natural gas, as i believe that will save me money and save the planet one kw at a time :p