How much would you pay?


New member
A continuation from this thread -

I got home for christmas and snapped some better pics with my phone. I have some on the SLR but I haven't uploaded them yet. Anyway, these pics are all of the same rock. It's completely covered in zoanthids. 4 different varieties... I can't even estimate how many polyps... Insane.

I'd think on Divers den or Mr coral or Coral morphologic this piece would cost well over 100 bucks. What would you pay?





Nice piece. Wham'n Watermelons and Radioactive Dragon Eyes for the most part. Around here, I'd expect to see them for $40-60, but I"ve seen a similar combo at PetCo for $120... We're pretty spoiled in the Tampa area though :)
Yeah, I'd expect to see this sort of thing more commonly down south or anywhere on the coast I guess. But not in land locked North Dakota!? A sweet find indeed.
I like them green speckled ones...I'd break that corner of the rock off or frag some & let them grow by themselves
I like them as well. I've never seen them before actually.

I can't frag them... I bought this for my brother as a christmas gift. Well, I suppose I could frag it without telling him, but that wouldn't be very christmasy. Lol.