How often do you do a water change?


New member
Im just wondering how often people do regular maintenace water changes. Even if things seem fine in your tank how often and how much water do you change?
10 gal every month or every other month in the 75, now that it's established. Used to do every other week when it was newer.
about 10% of the system volume once evey other month. Seems to work fine for me, but I have a low bioload (not many fish)
Right now I do about a 25% every week or two. I'm thinking of changing to a 50 % a month so that I can have more time to do other things.

I use NSW so I have to go and collect it. If I switch to the once a month rotuine, I can collect water, do a water change and then I don't have to worry about storing water and can stack up my empty containers easier.

I've also thought about going with say a 75 to 90 % every 2 months but not sure I can carry that much water at one time. I've got a 45 G and a 500 G system.
5g a week on my 40g reef! and once every other month I do a 50%.......witch is only realy 15g water change by the time you include rock and sand!
20 gallons a month on my 75. Thats messed up now since my RIO pump burned up, changed most of the water after that.

RIO pumps are fine as long as you NEVER plug them in, and NEVER put them in the water.